Hey, Jestyr. Good two cents.
I wouldn't call myself one of the "converted." Let's just say that I think that, currently, the gains outweigh any loss. And the sound quality will improve as technology advances. But the days of "hard copy" commercial CDs are waning. This is not a "dumbing down." One could say paying $17 - $20 for a CD is dumb (and I've certainly done my share of *that* over the years!) Audiophiles will have to wait a bit longer for perfect $500 headphone quality, but it will come.
And, yes, I'm gonna miss the cool little booklets that come with CDs. I still miss good ol' LP covers.
But, imagine this: A world where any song ever recorded is available within minutes for anyone who'd care to listen. A world where, when you move to a new place, you don't have to lug five crates of CDs with you.
Okay, you claim this is "quantity over quality." You have a point, but the sound quality ain't that bad, and it will get better. In the meantime, I'll take the quantity *now.* Life's short. I want to hear this archive material ASAP!
And, in the here-and-now, *this* is real: Anyone online can go to that online music store right now and buy a Ludwig Von Drake album that's been out of print (except for the Wonderland system) for decades! That's pretty cool...and it's just the beginning! Now, imagine if Randy started making Disneyland tracks available on an ongoing basis, and you could continually add new tracks to your growing DL music list...adding the new ones individually without having to pay again for tracks you already own.
You say buying music this way is "convenience over characteristic." I know what you're saying, and I agree, to a point. But where's the character in an out of print album nobody has access to? It's weird to imagine a music product without a case, without a cover. But does music *have* to have a cover? Before the days of recorded music, tunes only existed when they were performed live. Now, songs are being purchased, recommended and shared at the speed of sound! They're taking flight, free of the bounds of...
Holy cow, I sound like a 1960's Tomorrowland ride! Cue up "Miracles From Molecules!"
And just as a goofy side note, I'm typing this while listening to an awesome dixieland jazz version of "Swingin' on a Star," that I found on iTunes by playing around with the search engine. That's what an online music store can do best. Provide decent CD cover art files? Maybe not so much.
We're all on the same side, here, really. I think I'm just a bit more optimistic about the situation, because I can now listen to Thurl sing the Headless Horseman song. Anytime I want. Which is probably a lot more often than my family would like.
It's cool, an' it's gonna get better! Smile, darn ya!
The glass is half-full! I'm even older than you, and I vividly remember the "fun" of returning multiple copies of a poorly-pressed LP until I finally got one without *too* many annoying pops and scratches. I wouldn't go back to those days for anything, though I do keep a few of my old LPs just because I like the cover art.