Living With The Land (queue & intro/finale music)


New Member
Howdy everyone!

First off I would just like to complement the forums here. It's good to know its not just me who feels such a strong connection to the unique soundtracks found on many of the attractions at the parks.

I worked at Disneyland (fantasyland attractions) for a while and spending a lot of time around the various loops I really then discovered how important they are to having a great show.


I've spent an inordinate amount of time trying to find the Living With The Land (queue and intro/finale music) . I've found various live recordings but I'm really interested in finding a nice quality version.

I've included a short MP3 of part of the theme just to see if it will help explain what it is I'm trying to find.

Thanks for your help everyone!

X-S Tech

Active Member
Hi tom.arthur and welcome aboard this wild ride. I'm not quite sure I know what you're looking for. If I understand correctly you're looking for a queue loop that uses the theme in that mp3 right?

So far I don't think that loop is available outside of the Company, unofficially or otherwise- not certain, but I know I've never seen it. But you never know what might turn up. :)


New Member
If I understand correctly you're looking for a queue loop that uses the theme in that mp3 right?

Thanks for your reply X-S Tech. You got it, I am looking for that loop but it seems impossible to find. Thanks for your insight.


Welcome to the forum, Tom. Isn't it comforting to know that you are not alone in your obsessions. ;)

You can hear Marsha Mason's narration over on Utilidors Audio Broadcasting.

