I ordered the special edition album off Playbill.com and was pleased to find it in my mailbox 2 days ago.
The album is good, and If Only is a beautiful song, but there isn't much more that is a real standout. "She's in Love" has a very different sound from the rest of the album and I rather like it. Both of Scuttle's songs are annoying, as is Ursula's split personality on all of her songs...(just listen to a few of them to know what I mean).
Having been used to the demo tracks, I was most let down by "Beyond Her Wildest Dreams". The demo was done right, it seemed. This new one, with all the different pitches, is not too good. I was kind of hoping for some new arrangements of the same songs we have all heard over and over and over, but all the movies' classics are done the same.
And am I the only one that thinks Part of Your World should not be sung to your highest vocal ability. It just sounds weird to hear Sierra nearly shouting the lyrics near the end of the song.
A good album, but it seems they played it safe with alot of stuff. Nothing seemed 'new'.