DC-88 Spaceliner
The only preshow music i was ever aware of for Kitchen Kabaret is a lengthy istrumental medly of the tunes from the attraction............after awhile it goes into an overture, then into the intro......"Ladies and Gentleman, KRAFT presents the show that has the whole town......cooking....The Kitchen Kabaret!...and now your hostess....."etc, etc......The music has a very jazzy upbeat sound....the same music is also listed (minus the overture) as "Kraft Theatre Exit Lobby" and as far as the Mayonaise Jar changing to a Spaghetti Jar.......Mr. Mayonaise sported Kraft Mayonaise jar Garb.....I'm sure The replacement sponsor Nestle was more than happy to "re-dress" the very recognizable Kraft image.........BTW: a few years back while on a WDI walk tru of the Haunted Mansion (at WDW) i was shocked to see almost the entire Kitchen Kaberet cast laying on the ground behind the Grand Ballroom and almost broke my toe as i accidently walked into MR Eggplant in the dimly lit storage area!!The former Kabaret starz were to be used as extra AA parts..........what next??. HERO ONE to serve soft drinks??? oh.....ah..er.........