Julie and Dick in [another!] Poppins DVD release

Just For Variety: 'Poppins' Poppin' Up Again For DVD
Daily Variety - April 06, 2004
By Army Archerd


GOOD MORNING: Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke will be back together in front of the cameras later this month. It's for the DVD for the 40th anni of "Mary Poppins," a film that received 13 Oscar nominations, including a win for Julie. Julie and Dick will be joined on the Disney DVD -- and on the piano -- by Richard Sherman. He, with brother Bob, wrote the "Mary Poppins" music for which they won two Oscars, one for the score, the other for "Chim Chim Cheree." (As we all know, their other tune, "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" became part of our language.) DVD will go beyond the usual celeb-interview addition to a disc: It will include Julie and Dick segueing into an animated scene especially created for the DVD. Meanwhile, the "Mary Poppins" musical is set to bow in Bristol, England, Sept. 15 en route to London, Dec.15 ...

Julie will also be on screen, vocally, May 21 as Cameron Diaz' mom, Queen Lillian, in "Shrek 2." Later this year, she stars in "Princess Diaries 2." Meanwhile, Van Dyke has taped a reunion with Mary Tyler Moore, Rose Marie and Carl Reiner for the May 11 CBS "The Dick Van Dyke Show Revisited." CBS' Ray Romano will appear as a lead-in to the reunion show ...
