iPod and Disney music


New Member
I need your input if you have knowledge about the iPod and our Disney music. I have 2 Sony megga players that hold 400 CD's and I feel that they are so out dated now. I just got a new computer so I am up to date on that but what if I got an iPod to replace my megga CD players.

1. What challenges would I have? (if any)

2. Would I have issues with compatabilty issues using Tokyo copy protected CD's?

3. Are all the track listing available in their library? What about Japanese releases?

4. What else should I know?

If you have any information please let me know. Thanks!

Parker A. Perry



I using an iPod Mini for several months now and can give you at least some first answers (but if you need other information or have more specific questions feel free to ask here or contact me directly...):

1. What challenges would I have? (if any)
- barely any. iPods for once are truely self-explaining and easy to operate, even if you would pare them with a Windows PC (as I do). But note: the only really comfortable way to operate them is with iTunes being installed on your PC, which has one important disadvantage: in the standard setting it automatically synchronizes the iPod with the music library on the PC, which means, that if you connect the iPod first to your PC with all the music and then later to another PC with no music on it, it will delete everything on the iPod as it synchronizes with the empty library. For technical questions like this and some great tips, e.g. how to set up playlists that shuffle through all your music even if not everything fits on the iPod take a look at http://www.ipodlounge.com which I found to be a great source, especially the forums.

2. Would I have issues with compatabilty issues using Tokyo copy protected CD's?
Never tried those so far ... I'll do in the next day and will update you if noone else posts. I do have experience though with the copy protected CDs from Sony, BGM etc. sold in Europe and those never created a problem with the exception of two CDs, one I was unable to play in iTunes at all (so I made the MP3s with a different software and imported them into iTunes) and another one where the last track did not play in iTunes (same trick as before worked perfect once again).

3. Are all the track listing available in their library? What about Japanese releases?
Not much of the Disney theme park releases are available in the library, which by the way is not iPod / iTunes specific but one of the general libraries (forgot the name and don't have iTunes installed on this PC, so can't take a short look - sorry). Those that are available often are far form perfect or contain numerous errors, so need to be corrected by hand in iTunes.

Hope this made the start easier...



Active Member
> if you connect the iPod first to your PC with
> all the music and then later to another PC
> with no music on it, it will delete everything
> on the iPod as it synchronizes with the empty
> library.

Thank you SOOOOO much for bringing that up. I got my very first iPod about a month ago and my husband and I are planning to buy Macs (we're making The Switch from PC's) in the next few months. Without your message, I NEVER would've known about that.

I've bookmarked the link and look forrward to learning how to fix this problem before it happens .



New Member
Thand you for all your input. I just want to make sure I am making the right decision about purchasing one. If you can think of anything else please let me know. Thanks!



> if you connect the iPod first to your PC with
> all the music and then later to another PC
> with no music on it, it will delete everything
> on the iPod as it synchronizes with the empty
> library.

Thank you SOOOOO much for bringing that up. I got my very first iPod about a month ago and my husband and I are planning to buy Macs (we're making The Switch from PC's) in the next few months. Without your message, I NEVER would've known about that.

I've bookmarked the link and look forrward to learning how to fix this problem before it happens.
There's nothin' to "fix."

The "The iPod 'X' is linked to another iTunes music library. Do you want to change the link to this iTunes music library and replace all existing songs and playlists on this iPod with those from this library?" alert is pretty self-explanatory.

Just set up any/all iPods to be manually managed and forget about it... or set up automatic syncing of particular playlists and/or checked tracks only.



My iPod rules! I have about 2/3 of all my theme park music stored on it - really the best way to store & listen to large amounts of music... Stay away from the Sony & all those other mp3 players... You really can't do better than an iPod.


... what if I got an iPod...

Are all the track listing available in their library? What about Japanese releases?
The database is not maintained by Apple. iTunes utilizes Gracenote?s CDDB to provide track listings, album titles, etc.

There are a surprising number of obscure Disney-related releases in the database, including bootlegs and fan-created titles. Anyone can contribute to the database .



Active Member
1313? -

Next can you tell me how I can do a shuffle of all my songs and not include the radio frequencies for my iTrip?



Sharon, create a Smart Playlist on iTunes that does NOT include the iTrip Frequencies. I use the older iPod and iTrip, so my argument in my Smart Playlist is as follows:

Match of the following conditions:

... since all of my iTrip stations have that in their Genre field. The newer iTrips might have it worded different, but it's the same concept. I have a playlist called "General Music" that has all of my non-iTrip and non-Disney music, and another called "Disney Music" that you can probably figure out as well.

Unfortunately, those with the newer iPods trying to use the Shuffle feature found on the main iPod menu won't have such luck, as that feature shuffles all the tracks in the music library, and not for one specific playlist.

You can get the same effect by creating a standard playlist and copying all of the tracks you want to listen to into it, but you will have to remember to keep updating the playlist when you add more music to your library. The Smart Playlist updates automagically.

Class dismissed.


Next can you tell me how I can do a shuffle of all my songs and not include the radio frequencies for my iTrip?
Smart Playlist(s)... unchecking the iTrip frequencies via iTunes no longer prevents the files from being played when an iPod is in shuffle mode.

