Induction recording of Davy Jones' waterfall spiel on Pirates?

Hey all- I'm wondering if anybody has a decent induction recording of the Davy Jones waterfall spiel from Pirates, as well as the new cave music (basically the whole caves area). My two-year-old is a pirate nut. The kid eats, sleeps, breathes pirates. He loves that part of the ride and until Disney releases an updated ridethru that isn't a hugely expensive import, I'm wondering if anybody has recorded that part of the ride that they can send my way. This little boy would sure appreciate it!

Maybe I don't quite understand what an induction recording is then. What's it called when you just ride through during a non-busy time and hold up a recorder as you pass?


Playlist Author
That would be a live recording of the attraction. Go to, a few live recordings of the updated attraction have been posted there.


induction recording you have to hold a little microphone and push it directly onto the speaker. this is possibly on park speakers but not mid-ride speakers unless you're going very slowly and the speaker is within reach in some way and even then you'd have to get a small amount of clips at a time. i think it's almost doable for davy jones if you used an extension for your mic the speakers might be low enough but they'd yell at you after seeing you on camera to retract it.
Thanks for the clarification, Almandot. I have seen a few ridethru recordings on Rodentsections, but was kinda hoping for something closer to sounding like an induction recording (on some of those recordings you can't really make out that music or what Jones is saying very well). I'm guessing that part of the new ride soundtrack will someday be part of the Pirates track on the Official Albums. I suppose I'll have to wait until something like that is released.

Club 33

Playlist Author
Personally I'm of the opinion that an IR of that spiel is possible if you had an extension. But I've never tried it so I'm not sure.

As for the Davey Jones waterfall organ music, THAT is available (minus dialog) on the Tokyo Disneyland Pirates special CD.
I'd actually take just the Tokyo no-dialog recording, but I can't justify dropping so much cash on one track. I just don't understand why we don't have a U.S. release of this yet.


Playlist Author
I just don't see how an induction recording is possible anytime you are in a vehicle that is moving, assuming the speaker is in a stationary position. Maybe someone will prove me wrong.

On POC, at least in WDW, I think the speakers are way out of reach, even if this idea was feasible.


The speakers are right on top of a low ledge for pirates at DL i think. You can't do a whole recording in one pass but you can reach out with an extension and push the induction mic onto the speaker for like 1 of davy jones' lines at a time each time you ride past him. I wouldn't suggest it in a full boat obviously but you can get empty boats if you have a couple friends and go on an off night then you can sit in the front of the boat, reach for the speaker, and angle your extension further back and back until you get the davy jones' line before pulling it down.
