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Magic Music

Playlist Author
As if we don't get enough regular "hardcore" fanatics, then we have to get made-up ones in between!!
Hmm...and you're [Bill] here too...
He [Bill] does that with every forum.
'Fraid you've got the wrong guy, Marko.
If you don't stop posting not Fluppy Dogs I am going to report you.
I am starting to doubt it is you posting as "somebody else", Bill.
I'm starting to wonder if we're dealing with Dissociative Identity Disorder.

There was a point to this thread? If so, please enlighten me.
The point was to let Randy know that he needs another 1:18 Batmobile model. :unsure:


New Member
You ruin this thread Bill and you ruin the forum! And I'm am going to starting a petitoin to get you removed for all the time. You and your names will be gone forever so no more Pigs in the Wind or Marko or Doctor Icer or anything!


Bill's Pigs on the wings! What the heck is going on here. I suppose Bill's actually Randy Thornton to.


Oh Great! I guess I can't trust anybody now with fear that it is really Bill. (If that's his real name.)


DLRP explorer
Playlist Author
Sorry, Eyore thinks therefore he am. "Cogito, ergo sum"
Seriously, there's only one eyore (with one e) an that's me!
I realised why I didn't know what a Fluppy dog was - UK quarantine laws - they wouldn't let him in! :unsure:
Oh, now that I do, I can still post - right? :(
