Well...it's good advice for food . He didn't say what kind of advice he wanted .
More advice...
Bring your own washcloth or handkerchief wherever you go...keep it in your pocket or man bag or wherever...because when you wash your hands in the Mens' room, chances are good that there won't be paper towels to dry your hands with, so if they don't offer blow dryers, you'll be SOL and have to wipe your hands on your pants leg. Less of an issue for you because you're a guy, but some public bathrooms don't offer toilet paper...so bring a pack of tissues with you or take one of the free packs that they give out in the train
stations, in case you, um....need such things in the men's room.
Enjoy the Toto Washlets whenever possible. They DO sell them in the States, BTW.
Don't go to TDL on a weekend. Even moreso, don't go to any tourist attraction during a holiday....especially Golden Week.
Train routes and directions are marked by the last exit on the route. Most will be subtitled in English, except for a few small routes. If you don't know how much your train ticket will be, buy the smallest-costing ticket possible and make up the difference when you get to your destination,. Most (but not all) ticket machines are available in English on demand.
Board buses in the back, get a ticket and pay before you leave. Get change from the change machine (near the driver) before you're ready to exit the bus.
Don't blow your nose in public. Ever. Sniffing is acceptable.
If you go to TDL (or the Disney Store in Ikspiari...or ANY Disney Store for that matter) and see a T-shirt with Orange Bird on it, pretty please with sugar on top get me an adult size Medium. I want an Orange Bird shirt. Badly. I have yet to see one, but I want one.
DVD's. We are Region 1. Japan is generally Region 2.
And that's all better than what Bill could ever tell you .
Orlando FL