IllumiNations New Year's Eve Finale

Dr. Know

Here is a question for all of you Illuminations experts...

I have a file called "IllumiNations New Years Eve 1993 Finale 1993" that runs 5:59.

It starts with instrumental underscore, and a female narrator saying "We hope that you have enjoyed this evening's performance of IllumiNations. And now Epcot Center and GE Lighting would like to present a special finale to ring in the new year."

This leads into We Have Just Begun to Dream, with a chanted countdown from 10 to 1, and followed by a rendition of Auld Lang Syne, again with strains of We Have Just Begun to Dream ... after this is a version of Mickey's Show slightly truncated from that heard at the Fountain of Nations. Presumably this was used as exit music (or was it part of the fireworks show?).

Can anyone confirm that this special finale was used for New Year's Eve 1993... Also, I was wondering whether it was used on more than one occasion, and if so, when.

Many thanks!

X-S Tech

Active Member
I have this but didn't know what year it was used, I assumed every year. What's funny to me is how slowly they count down. Each count is at least 4 seconds.

Dr. Know

Funny you should mention that... I was thinking the same thing when I was listening to it earlier today! My wife, who generally puts up with my strange addiction to Disney park music, told me she thought it sounded "lame." (sigh).


X-S Tech

Active Member
My opinion on those who denounce Disney music as "not real music" is that anything pop culture creates dies within a number of years. The most hardcore fans who hail each fly by night vocalist as a genius will probably be making fun of him/her in 4 years. There are Disney pieces that I love at first and then get bored of eventually. Perhaps the human mind can only stay interested in something for so long. But of course I don't go making fun of other peoples music. To each his own. We are all shaped by our experiences and are drawn to things that remind us of those experiences and that we can relate to. If one's outlook is reflected in the music they listen to I can think of no better choices than, "it's a small world" New Horizons", and "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow".
