Ok let me get on my soap box and hope someone at WDW managment hears this.I know how to keep the carousel of progress and put in the flying saucers.First i know they say addentance is down at the old carousel of progress but you can change that simply fix up the outside make it fit in with the rest of tomorrowland.also make the space mountain que line go that way cause thats why the carousel was put there is to help the space mt. overflow.also put posters for it under the main street railroad and maybe near the timekeeper too.As for the flying saucers put them where the tomorrowland stage is.That stage is a waste of space and the shows are really not that good there.Taking away the carousel of progress would be a tragic end to the history of the disney theme parks.It's one of the only rides left that walt really had a hand in and it should stay as a reminder of the great man because if there was no walt disney the managment would not have a job would they.I'm tired of the past being erased because some teenager they polled who has only been there once said it was boring.They should listen to us who go every year and love the true disney rides and not some cheep thrill rides any two-bit park can do.So i hope dear readers that one of you know someone to forward this message to at walt disney world .I'll even meet with them if they want cause i'm really passiante about this.I've majored in walt disney in collage and it does pain me to see some greedy eyes managment people take away a true disney ride.Lets save this ride for everyone to enjoy and not end up like what happen to poor figment and dreamfinder.We disney fans have a voice and we must scream to let them know that we do matter cause in the long run we spend more money then some teenager on spring break.
Thanks for listening
Thanks for listening