Honey I Shrunk the Audience exit question

Dr. Know

I recently came across a track that includes the exit theme from Honey, I Shrunk the Audience overlayed with dialogue and sound effects pertaining to the giant dog on the loose -- Rick Moranis and company are heard trying to corral the animal ("Does anyone have a giant dog bone?", etc.):

Here is my question: is this heard in the theatre immediately following the curtain, or is it played only in the exit corridor. I'm fairly certain the dialogue and effects are only played in the corridor, but can I jog someone else's memory, please?



I don't remember the track from each park but I know in E.P.C.O.T. that takes place in the exit corridor. But at DL I think it can be heard in the theater as well before you exit. I will have to sit through it for the answer for you, the things I do for knowledge.


X-S Tech

Active Member
There is something similar that plays in the theater at both parks, but the track being referred to is an extension of that, and does not play at DL.
