HKDL Music Video


Have you guys taken a look at the HKDL music video found on the official site? Here's the official description:

?There?s Magic at Work? Music Video

Make a wish and watch dreams come true as Hong Kong Disneyland spokesman Jacky Cheung sings about the magic found at this fantastic new destination. This enchanting music video paints a picture of a magical place where people come together as one, sharing the same pulse, to create a world of imagination and fantasy where anything is possible.

Is this the official theme of the new park?

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I am not sure this song can be heard around the park anywhere or if it is the park's official song (just like "Need Magic" appears to be the official resort song as of late at DLP) I didn't hear this song anywhere when I visited HKDL last wednesday. But the song and video are included in this limited edition compilation, along with a park map and map holder gift with purchase.


Hey there, Hi there, Ho there,

I would not qualify "Need Magic" as the DLRP's official song and it has never really been labeled that way.

Originally it was labeled as the "CM's Song" but that was a marketing ploy if you ask me. The recording was releases on a single sold in the resort with profits going to UNICEF.

There was never any use for the song expected in the resort or related to it - even so the makreting cmapaign abck then was using "Need Magic" (the words) as its main focus / catch phrase.

In the meantime it has been ocassionally used in both parks to underscore meet'n'greets with characters and has also been included on the latest "Disneyland Resort Paris en musique" CD.



Personally, I don't care much for DLP's "Need Magic" or most of their park music. It sounds amateurish as opposed to TDR's more melodic and complex melodies.



certainly everybody has its own taste in music style - but calling a professional production with professional musicians amateurish is not acceptable.

I would greatly appreciate if you could either shut up or show at least some willingnes to accept the taste and work of other people. It is what our free societies are based on - accepting others and their work. Until you have written and produced a string of songs beating the DLRP stuff you are not in the position to speak that bad about it.



Active Member

Actually, free societies are based on the ability to like OR dislike. Opinions are neither right nor wrong...they just "are," and it has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not TDLFan has ever written and produced a string of songs. He has every right to say he doesn't like any particular song or type of music, if that's his opinion.

Granted, calling a professional production "amateurish" certainly lacks a certain amount of tact. Saying something like that might be considered quite rude in some circles, but then again, so does telling someone to "shut up."

But he has his right to like and dislike whatever he wants, the same as you do.

Orlando FL



as I stated our free societies are based on accepting the opinions of other human beings. But this requires a certain level of what you called tact. And shooting around with words like "amateurish" to cover that one just doesn't like a certain production or style implies that whatever one dislikes is not professional, therefore that one own's opinion is decisive regarding what is professional and what is not.

Until a person has a proven track record in a certain field (in this case: writing and producing music) that person should be able to back up a statement like "amateurish" - which here clearly is not the case.

I am totally fed up with this kind of attitude popping up on boards all over the internet and therefore stick to my original statement. Stop this kind of statements and show some respect for the work of other people (or shut up if one can't).

I don't say that I don't respect his preferance for certain music styles and certainly if you dislike the style most of the recent DLRP songs have been written you will dislike all of them. But this does NOT give you the right to call it amateurish.



Active Member
His opinion gives him the right to say whatever he wants about whatever he wants. That's an opinion. Maybe he DOES feel that Work A is so superior to Work B that it makes Work B sound amateurish and, to paraphrase your words, "nor professional" to him. TO HIM. As for qualifying what he said, he DID say that it sounds amateurish as opposed to TDR's more melodic and complex melodies. Just because he hasn't backed it up with why he feels that way to your liking, or doesn't write music for a living (though I still don't know what that has to do with the price of tea in China), doesn't make HIS OPINIONS any less...they're just not explained enough for you, is all. And, speaking of free societies, who are YOU to judge anyone else? There's no reason for you to judge someone else's opinion just because you don't like said opinion or don't like/know the reasoning behind it or don't like the writing style. He doesn't owe you or anybody else anything and what's more, it's none of your business.

It's just my opinion of course, but maybe you want to lighten up, take the basics of what he said for what it's worth (he likes A over B), ignore the lack of tact and get on with your musical life.

Orlando FL


I don't judge his opinion - no matter whether I share it or not - I am judging (yes, I am) his lack of (as you called it) tact.

You cite him as saying it sounds amateurish "to him" - but what upsets me is that he did not say that. If he would have said that, he would have clearly expressed a PERSONAL opinion. In fact statements like "to me that sounds amateurish" are absolutely understandable in regard to every music, e.g. you quite frequently hear them if people talk about the music recordings of NFL films just due to the fact that at some times in their 40 year history they had a very own style to record the brass section giving it a very harsh sound, that most other recordings tried to avoid. While a kind of signature style for a certain period in the meantime yes to many listeneres it sounds amateurish.

But what he said was: "It sounds amateurish as opposed to TDR's more melodic and complex melodies." That is a flat out statement though like e.g. the world rotates around the sun - it leaves no room for "I think" or "to me" it just declares it amateurish.

DLRP songs may be called style wise very, very similar over the last years, you may like or you may dislike them - but they are produced by dedicated professionals. And for their work they deserve credit - whether one likes or dislikes the result. No one needs to praise them or make statements like "I don't like them, but they are working professional", but saying "they sound amateurish" - well I don't see any basis for this general statement (again differing from "they sound amateurish to me").

Regarding your question why I bring up whether he has worked in this field (writing or producing songs) - I personally think it is important because someone working in a field like that may actually be able to make different statements just based on his EXPERIENCE which would give him a different base to judge from.



Active Member

A word of advice. If you're going to make an arguement about what someone else says, I for one would appreciate if you decided on what exactly you're making your point about. First you said you were mad because someone called a professional production "amateurish" and that was unacceptable. Then you said you were upset because he didn't "back up" his statement, because you were totally fed up with this kind of attitude popping up on boards all over the internet, and because he didn't show some respect for the work of different people. NOW you're saying your issue is because he neglected to say that what he said was "in his opinion" or "what HE thought." Geesh, can you please make up your mind? Which one IS it?????

You DO realize how ridiculously picky you're starting to sound with this latest one, yes? I think most of us are smart to realize that if someone says "this stinks," "that is great" or "it sounds amateurish," it's IMPLIED that the person making such statement is just voicing an opinion, without blatantly saying "THIS IS MY OPINION", and is not the end-all of the world that everyone must immediately agree with, whether they originally had the same feelings or not. Let me give you some other examples of IMPLIED opinion:

"...Love's First Kiss is barely noticable - also: where did they get that violin player? TERRIBLE, talk about killing a song!" (from;threadid=2492. The author didn't back up that statement AT ALL! Unforgivable!)

"...About the cover design: it is worse than worse." (from;threadid=2440. According to YOUR rules, no one should ever say something like that unless they are an album design artist, no?)

"... In the beginning so her performance is lacking a bit of a flow and there is too much staccato in it..." (from;threadid=1692. How could someone say something like that? Was that an opinion or a decree? I'm not sure. Do we ALL have to think that the voice had too much staccato in the beginning now?)

Do you know what I have to say to the person who wrote the above 3 things? "I would greatly appreciate if you could either shut up or show at least some willingnes to accept the taste and work of other people. It is what our free societies are based on - accepting others and their work."

I think we'd all appreciate if you got off your high horse, Mr. Pot. Maybe you and Mr. Kettle can shake hands and be friends and the rest of us can get back to the topic of Disney Music and not have to worry so much about our proper use of the English language.

Please...maybe you'll think twice and not reply unless you can go back to the topic of the HKDL music that was the subject of the original thread. If it helps your decision, I'm not going to go into this with you anymore when, not only do you keep jumping from arguement to arguement, there's more and more evidence of hypocricy in what you're saying. Maybe someone else wants to keep rallying the banner, but I'm done with it.

Orlando FL



certainly everybody has its own taste in music style - but calling a professional production with professional musicians amateurish is not acceptable.

I would greatly appreciate if you could either shut up or show at least some willingnes to accept the taste and work of other people. It is what our free societies are based on - accepting others and their work. Until you have written and produced a string of songs beating the DLRP stuff you are not in the position to speak that bad about it.


So tell me Dirk... were you involved personally on the production of "Need Magic"? Because I do not understand your hostility towards my opinions on this song, which BTW... sounds as amateurish today as it did the first time I heard it. As for telling me to "shut up"... well, sounds like you are being very amateurish as well, and childish. I am entitled to my opinion as much as you are on these boards. Get off your high horse. If I don't care for any particular, I will offer my opinion and I could not care less if Bethoven wrote it.

And thanks Sharon for being more tactful and respectful of others' points of view here.
