Henrietta and Merna at Night of Joy 2009

Magic Music

Playlist Author
Twelve days late with this exciting news...

At the Night of Joy at Disney's Hollywood Studios? theme park in Florida, you can hear live performances of some of today's top bands in contemporary Christian rock, pop and gospel on September 11-12, 2009.

It's only rumor at this point, but word is that guests attending the Friday night performances will have an opportunity to have their spirits carried away on the melodic waves and driving currents of Henrietta and Merna!

Too good to be true, you say? Well, Disney does remind us that "Entertainment is subject to change."

More: Night of Joy 2009


Playlist Author
How do you come across these videos? Never mind, maybe I don't want to know.

I can't stop laughing. I've never been to Night of Joy, but if I could see a similar performance, it would be well worth the price of admission (as a comedy routine of course).


New Member
Wow. That has "Community Access Television c. 1990" written alllll over it.

The younger gal looks absolutely terrified. I dig her sizzle-spray-turn-n-burn bangs, though. A little steamed aquanet inhalation never hurt nobody.
The second video is amazing. The first video cracks me up. It is also incredibly ironic. "Go Tell It On the Mountain" is a song that is supposed to be about joyously proclaiming the birth of Christ. These two couldn't sound happier singing this song, if you know what I mean. Funny stuff. Thanks for the laugh. I just spent a week entertaining my mother-in-law for a visit. I put her on a plane this morning. I sure needed a good laugh today!
