Haunted Mansion Holiday CD Versions

I have a question about the Haunted Mansion Holiday CD. I have a HMH CD that is actually an import from Japan with a catalog number of AVCW-12466 (AVCX-12466). It has the Scarols and the ride-thru from Disneyland. If I am correct, my understanding is that this is basically a re-print of the 2003 Disneyland CD. I know there is a Tokyo Disneyland CD as well, but were there any other HMH CD's made before? Are they different from the 2003 version, and if so, in what way? Any information would be appreciated. I have never actually seen the HMH in person, since I am on the east coast and have never been to Disneyland.


Active Member
Ok, the 2003 Disneyland CD and the Japanese release are identical. So far, that has been the only "solo" CD release for Disneyland's HMH. However...Randy included the original 2001 edition on the "Musical History of Disneyland" boxed set. The "premier edition" as it's called on that set is different from the later version, because initially the Danny Elfman score was not used. Instead they reworked Christmas carols in his style, but there were none of the songs from the movie represented. The following year they actually did use the film score as inspiration and added them instead of the Christmas carols. So, there are essentially two different versions of the Disneyland attraction audio that have been officially released. The Tokyo Disneyland version is different in that it has the elements unique to Tokyo's attraction.


Yep, there's the Disneyland CD, the 2001 version on the 6disc set, the japanese release of disneyland's cd, and the Tokyo Disneyland CD.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. I have not purchased the Tokyo CD, but I do have the "Musical History of Disneyland" boxed set. I forgot that it is on that set as well. I also have "The Nightmare Before Christmas" soundtrack. I was just trying to make sure that I had what was available. Glad to have some knowledgeable members here with the answers. Thanks!
I have a question about the Haunted Mansion Holiday CD. I have a HMH CD that is actually an import from Japan with a catalog number of AVCW-12466 (AVCX-12466). It has the Scarols and the ride-thru from Disneyland. If I am correct, my understanding is that this is basically a re-print of the 2003 Disneyland CD. I know there is a Tokyo Disneyland CD as well, but were there any other HMH CD's made before? Are they different from the 2003 version, and if so, in what way? Any information would be appreciated. I have never actually seen the HMH in person, since I am on the east coast and have never been to Disneyland.

the 6-disc set that was released for DL's 50th has the original version of HMH on Disc 6
