Halloween has never really been "big" over here - mainly just turnip-heads (now pumpkins are being used) and roasted chestnuts, bobbing for apples and the like.
However, it is getting more "American" now with lots of stuff covering your tradition of "trick or treat" (unheard of in my childhood )although it's not really catching on (compared to what I see in US films) and we rarely get more than one or two kids at the door - and they have their parents with them (not in costume).
Parties are getting big though - in clubs as well as homes - with people dressing up in costumes etc.
The churches are not too happy though - many have their own kids parties with no ghosts in sight (OK, maybe the Holy one).
I think many still like to see it as we see your Thanksgiving - a harmless American thing, best kept there ;D
I do enjoy watching the Disneyland stuff about it though and really enjoyed the DLRP evening a few years back (when it was confined to just one evening - Disney Hotels guests only - no general Public).
Great fun.