Thanks Thurman - yes, I have the 75th Ann. set - but I am hoping for the Greer Garson and Fred MacMurray version. I'm in love with this movie, so I would LOVE a complete a soundtrack as possible!

I have every other song, but not that one (but I think that's how the original LP version was too, so that's okay).
I'll keep playing my Millionaire CD and cross my fingers for the Garson/MacMurray IWBLTC. But no matter what, I'll still be happy!
"You can hear it humming, see it coming, feel it everywhere you gooo
It's tomorrow morning, the future dawning with bright and shining glooow
It's a land where golden chariots are molded out of dreams -
DETROIT Detroit - it's Detroit!"
;D ;D ;D ;D