Full ride CD quality list


New Member
A while back I found a website with a ton of cd quality full ride tracks. Stuff that sounded like it was from the orignal CD that the park used or something like that, anyway i downloaded a few of them and found them again on my hard drive recently. They are awsome. So my questions are...

1. Where do i get more of these?
2. Are these the same things that are on the Disney forever kiosks CD's?
3. is it leagel to trade these? if so anyone want to trade?

here is the list of what i have
1. Monorail FULL RIDE (7:03)
2. Pirates of the Caribean FULL RIDE
3. Haunted Mansion FULL RIDE
4. Spaceship Earth FULL RIDE (including tunnel music)
5. Polonesian Resort audio

These are all top of the line quality like they were recorded from the source CD. Not a guy holding a microphone to a speaker type of deal. I would like to find more of these if they are leagel to have. I would also buy them online if nessasary.

Thanks for the Help,
Welcome to the addiction. Ok, maybe its not quite that bad, but I'm getting close. A few answers.

1) alt.binaries.multimedia.disney or #disneycentral on newnet I believe (do a search for disneycentral and it should come up)
2)If its a full ride, I think not. Don't have a WDWF or DLF list handy, but most of those are parts of the show. It is possible that someone reconstructed a ride out of the parts. Some of the rides, Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Carribean have had full versions released on respective souvenir CD's.
3)Is it legal? Shakey ground. My IP law is rough on the edges, but most of the rides they don't say anything about audio recording. Assuming that the track was recorded by a park guest, I think its fair to trade/share. Its not the same as the original. BUT, if the audio was copied directly from the source CD by a cast member, then its not legal. Cause thats stealing. Kinda like if you take a picture of art, you can share the picture cause its your version. But if you scanned the painting, and then tried to share that, its a direct perfect copy and thats not allowed. (I think, don't use this as a legal arguement in court.) So trading them may or may not be legal. Anything that was officially released on a park CD is strictly hands off for most people. Because that is pretty much illegal given the current Napster etc cases. But stuff that park guests recorded (some guest recordings sound pretty damn close to CD) is usually fair.
People trading is another touchy subject. Most people I know are hesitent to trade with new people since they may be undercover from the Mouse trying to get someone in trouble. Usually the newsgoup or IRC channel mentioned above are your best bet.

Hope that helps,


P.S. I speak from personal experience, so other people may have differing ideas and thoughts on the subject.


New Member
Thank you for yourpost, These are source quality MP3's and they are outstanding. Does the newsgroud or irc channell have stuff like this?


1. Monorail FULL RIDE (7:03)
2. Pirates of the Caribean FULL RIDE
3. Haunted Mansion FULL RIDE
4. Spaceship Earth FULL RIDE (including tunnel music)
5. Polonesian Resort audio

1: Might be from the WDW Forever system (gone)
2: On the Pirates 33rd Ani. CD
3: On the HM 30th Ani. CD
4: Not on any CD
5: Don't think that is on CD
Thank you for yourpost, These are source quality MP3's and they are outstanding. Does the newsgroud or irc channell have stuff like this?

Yup. They both have pretty much everything. Almost every attraction in the US parks is represented in audio and some in video, and a fair share of the foreign parks are also covered. Some of the audio is near source quality, and other ausio is clearly from something along the lines of someones cam corder. Hope that helps,


I haven't run across the Polynesian Resort Audio. How long is the track? Is it a loop of various songs or just a single track? Any information would be appreciated.



I had a track which was billed as Polynesian resort Lanai music, but from a post I read on here last week I think it's actually from the Tiki room... I think.

It was quite low quality, and as you put it eddie did very well sound like a record.


Welcome to the addiction. Ok, maybe its not quite that bad, but I'm getting close. A few answers.

... #disneycentral on newnet...

Holy cow, Thanks for that. There's an absolute treasure trove there -- all the stuff I've been missing out on since I lost my access to the newsgroup.


Newnet is an irc network.

For those still looking confused:
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a great medium for chatting (duh) and exchanging files (yay!).

Download irc chat client mIRC (www.mirc.com), and spend some time acquainting yourself with it. Then, use mirc to connect to irc network newnet (choose newnet -- random server from the dropdown).

Once you connect, type '/join #disney-central' to join the channel in question.

From there, type !list. This will give you a listing of all the people who are sharing files.

Here's where it can get a bit tricky. There are a number of different scripts that people use to automatically share files. You can generally request someone's file list with one command (called a trigger, usually the person's nickname prefixed with '@' or '!'), and once you get their list, you can request individual files with another. The file will either be sent outright or you'll be put in the queue and have to wait a while. Be warned that if you aren't used to a command-line interface at all, file sharing on IRC can be a bit daunting at first. IRC also has a weird social etiquette not found in many other internet venues. With a bit of learning, it quickly becomes easy.

Hope this helps; fire away if you have any other irc q's.


Active Member
Well, I'm kind of lost too. I did a search and found that "Newnet" is an IRC Network, but I can't figure out how to proceed from there. I did a search for Disneycentral and nothing came up. I'll keep looking at it....


Active Member
Doh!! See what happens when I don't check for new messages before I post? I didn't see you post, Greg, thanks for explaining it.
