Frontierland loop changed at DL?


Has the music in Frontierland been changed? Those movie tunes seem to have been taken down.

I've wondered at times as to how Back To The Future III western music ended up in the movie tune loop as Universal is a competitor.

From what I hear, the Frontierland front entrance music is being piped throughout Frontierland and now I like the atmosphere there.


Hmmm... I haven't really been paying attention as I walked through lately. I will definitely take a listen next time!!

No kidding... they played BTTF3 in Frontierland? That's funny... I always wondered the same thing because they play the Back to the Future theme out front of MGM in Florida... I always thought that was hilarious because they have a BTTF ride at Universal. The wonders of licensing!

X-S Tech

Active Member
Hmmm haven't heard that myself but I'll have to check it out.

What I want to know is who's the new music guy (at WDI I assume) who's been so active lately. The first thing I noticed was the new music in the Emporium about a year ago. As it turns out this is only one of several new loops that play throughout the shops now. The Emporium has 2 distinct loops, one which plays in the Main Section and Carriage house, and one that plays in the Crystal Arcade Section where the plush is sold. I believe Candy Palace also has it's own loop, as does Disney Clothiers. There are quite possibly others that I haven't been able to distinguish. Then the Star Trader started playing it's own music (Perry Kingsley I believe?). It's great that someone is interested in these little updates, not that they will bring more people in or make the company more money but it's cool that it's happening.

X-S Tech

Active Member
Tonight Frontierland was playing a western movie theme as I walked through (couldn't tell which one). I know that the parks audio system has been going through some upgrades, perhaps there has been some rerouting that caused the Frontierland Entrance music to play throughout the land for a short time. Just a guess.
