Free MP3 Editing Software?


Active Member
Need help, free MP3 editing software?


I have a question for everybody. Can anyone reccommend a free MP3 editing software? A friend of mine gave me an old copy of SoundForge, but it doesn't support MP3, so I can't use that. I need to be able to cut tracks up into smaller chunks, and possibly do some noise elimination. I have too many tracks that are just too large (like area loops) that need to be broken up.

Thanks for the help!
Re: Need help, free MP3 editing software?

SoundForge is a good program, but as you said, it only supports WAV. However, there is a free utility called CDex that easily and quickly converts MP3 to WAV. (And it rips CDs to WAV, MP3 too). I prefer editing in WAV anyway and I'm still using an 'old school' version of SoundForge XP.

You can find CDex pretty easily with a websearch.



Real-life Harry Caul
Playlist Author
Re: Need help, free MP3 editing software?

Ben, by saying that it "doesn't support MP3", are you saying that it simply won't open them? What version of Sound Forge are you using?

I've used Sound Forge since version 4.5 (current version is 9) and don't recall having any troubles with opening MP3 files, editing them, and then saving them back out in a wide variety of formats. But, my memory could be a bit fuzzy on the earliest versions.

The only "hitch" that I recall running into was having to separately register the MP3 conversion tool when saving to MP3 file format in some of the earlier versions, but I think that was eliminated several versions ago. Initially, it was set to a limit of 30 conversions or so before you were required to register it; otherwise, you couldn't save in MP3 format anymore.

And I echo Chris' recommendation to edit in WAV format. If you're starting with an MP3, I'd recommend saving it as WAV immediately after opening it and then using theis WAV file for your noise reduction and editing, saving it along the way. Then, re-MP3 this WAV file if that's the format you're ultimately looking for. Avoid directly MP3'ing your original MP3, as the results may be disastrous.


Active Member
Re: Need help, free MP3 editing software?

Thanks for the help, guys! Yes, the version of SoundForge I've got is 4.5, and I'm unable to open MP3 files with it, because it's not an option in the drop down menu. Do I have to change something, or need another utility?

It's also very helpful to know I should edit in WAV, then convert back...I don't want to screw anything up.


Real-life Harry Caul
Playlist Author
Re: Need help, free MP3 editing software?

Thanks for the help, guys!  Yes, the version of SoundForge I've got is 4.5, and I'm unable to open MP3 files with it, because it's not an option in the drop down menu.  Do I have to change something, or need another utility
Having just taken a quick gander at the manuals for 4.5 and XP4.5, there's appears to be no way around this limitation, unless it was added in a subsequent update.  Both versions made it all the way to a sub version "h" (which itself added support for RealNetworks' RealMedia 8.0 and Microsoft's Windows Media 7.0 formats), so make sure that this is the version you're running.  It's possible that in an earlier version, they added MP3 support, but I wouldn't hold my breath.  If you need the update, go to this page and scroll down to the bottom.  Even if MP3 support hasn't been added, it's still advisable to upgrade to the latest version.

Other possible avenues:
- Chris' recommendation of CDex to convert MP3 to WAV
- Convert the MP3 files to WAV using iTunes or MusicMatch Jukebox
- Try the free, open source audio editing software Audacity
Re: Need help, free MP3 editing software?

I use Goldwave, and Audacity myself. I like Godlwave the best so I went ahead, and got the premium version.
