Favorite DL/WDW Forever Tracks

X-S Tech

Active Member
Well my intention was to just list one or two of my favorite tracks and then get yours, but I thought it would be neat to actually tally them. So unfortunately you're limited to my 8 options of what I thought the really cool tracks were. My apologies for any favorites I ignored, (I'm sure there's a lot). If you're choice isn't represented just pick other and let us know what it is. My top picks are the WDW Space Mountain stuff and the Hall of Presidents (America the Beautiful to be specific) . In my opinion these are some of the most beautiful pieces Disney released on the system and they are totally unfettered by dialogue. I haven't voted yet cause I can't decide between the two.


Active Member
I have to vote for "other" because my favorite item was "America Sings" I was so excited when I saw that on the kiosks back in 1998! I had really fond, and strong memories of the show, and was happy to be able to listen to it again.

matt d.

I would have to vote "other" since my favorite tracks are either the Haunted Mansion Instrumental tracks or the Tiki Room tracks.

matt d.


I voted other - I think my favorite tracks are the WDW Christmas parade tracks and live shows such as Everyday's a Holiday.
Other, too. The Submarine Voyage track is wonderful. Especially sitting in front of my computer. The audio comes from two speakers on each side. I put my head right in front of the screen, close my eyes, and I'm back on the ride!!!


without a doubt "the Carousel of Progress" but then
I also, simply stated, just want everything- is that too
much to ask for? I also really like the Kitchen Kabaret
tracks a lot. and of course the one, the only, and
definetly only the ORIGINAL, enchanted Tiki Room tracks ;D


Hard to narrow it down. I really love the instrumentals from Animal Kingdom, but most of those are available on the official album, so I don't think I'd waste my vote there. It'd probably be something instrumental from Epcot, maybe Listen to the Land or something from The Living Seas. I almost voted for the Horizons tracks.
