Fantasy in the Sky- Remember the Magic Finale


Dear Disney Music Fans,

Hi, my name is Rick McKee. I am a HUGE Disney music fan and I have a question from everyone that reads this. For 8 years now, have been searching for a recording or even just a download of the "Fantasy in the Sky" played during the 25 anniversary celebration with the "Remember the Magic Finale". Eight years and I still can't find it.

I did read a post from 2001 that a Mark Jochems had located a recording on Napster. Then a Joe TBJ replied that he had downloaded it too. Well, I e-mailed both of them asking about how to get a copy, but their addresses have changed. AHHH!

Anyway, If anyone knows how I can download this song or even how to contact Mark or Joe, please let me know. It would mean so much to me. Thanks sooooo much!

Rick McKee
