"Fantasia" 3-LP Stereo Question

I got a question for you, I've been listening to the 3-LP "Fantasia" soundtrack, and it was in stereo. But the liner notes at the beginning at the page that says "The Recording of "Fantasia" was a pioneering effort in multi-channel stereophonic recording." I was also listening to another album entitled "Stereo Demostration Record" on the Bel Canto label with the voice of Disneyland narrator, Jack Wagner discussing how stereo works and another stereo demostration LP from RCA Victor entitled "Sounds in Space" where Ken Nordine talks about how stereo works if you can hear the difference like conventional high fidelity and stereo. If you've been listening to the "Fantasia" LP for the first time in stereo, you might hear the difference. The music moves from the left and right channels on your stereo if you have speakers. The CD edition from 1990 did the same thing like they used in the original LP.

Does anybody listened to the 3-LP "Fantasia" in stereo?
I was recently listening to my 1990 Buena Vista Fantasia two disc set, and noticed the separation you describe.

In Walt Disney: An American Original, by Bob Thomas, he writes that Stokowski recorded the orchestral sections separately, so that the brass, woodwind, percussion , and strings could be mixed into "Fantasound," which was a special audio process installed in select theaters for the first engagement. According to the 1990 CD liner notes, this is the Fantasound mix. (Although I doubt anyone in 1990 really had the wherewithall to duplicate the true 1940 mix.)

I have never heard the 3-LP, but I know what you're talking about.
