
New Member
I haven't been posting because there hasn't been anything interesting to talk about in Disney Music.

The Lilo & Stitch album for the most part sucked because unless you like Elvis (which I don't) it wasn't anything new.

Everything coming out from Disney has been aimed at preteens. It's all been cover music or bubblegum compilations. I think the last Disney cd I bought that got me excited and listening repeatedly was the Tokyo DisneySea Music Album.


New Member
Actually I take that back. I forgot I just recently purchased the Happiest Millionaire and Bedknobs and Broomsticks CD, but other than that, there has been precious little to get excited over.


New Member
Hi Sharon ,
I think I may have a p[artial answer to yoour question below. Some of the former posters to this group simply may not be recieving it anymore if theay (as I did) were subscribed to the group via email (in my cse as a daily digest of posts) perhaps they were dropped at the same time I was. I even came to the board her via http once before and asked how to re subscribe via email and checked the "be notified of replies to this topic box" and I only recieved one reply and it did not tell me how to re subscribe.

Besides the archives, where are the POSTERS? I think we're averaging 3 messages a day or less!



Active Member
Brian, do you mean that happened recently? Because I just mean in the past week or two the posts have gone down. Especially on the weekends. Ah well...hopefully things will perk up again soon.



New Member
Actually I got dropped from the mailings back in March. I've looked around the site a few times to see if I could find instructuions on how to re-subscribe but I have not found them yet.


Active Member
Oh OK...I don't think I ever subscribed here (I have the website marked as one o my favorites so it's just a click away) so I didn't have that problem.

We seem to be getting more message this week than last. I guess it just depends on what's going on at the time.

In regard to Danny's original post though, it's a pity we rarely hear from Trent anymore. And Jeff on Orange County. And Beancounter. And Mike Frezon. And.....



I'm here! I'm here!

I just didn't want to bring attention to myself until I got those archives functional. A day turned into a week and then into a month and so on...

I must say that I miss the old email digests too. I know that it has led to me being less active at my own site -- I'm sure that's why others have been less active as well.

Not only does the new software not provide such an option, even if it did (or even if I went back to the old system) my provider removed the ability to automatically schedule daily tasks.

