Thanks for the recommendation Horizons.
I will be posting a playlist for Mickey's Toontown within the week probably.
As for New Orleans Square, it's a tricky one. I was checking it out last week and I had difficulty even hearing the loop- it only plays out of certain speakers on the second stories of the NoS buildings, and not very loudly at that. Even a live recording would likely be difficult. I do wonder, though, that if one were to go out on the balconies that are accessible from Club 33, if perhaps any of the speakers are located up there and would be able to be recorded. Unfortunately I didn't think to check last time I was there. Of course, if anybody is willing to make me a reservation so I can go find out...
(despite my username, I am not a member. I am on the list though- near the bottom, since they closed the waiting list less than two weeks after I submitted my application).
As for Frontierland. This one is also kind of a tough cookie. The best place to record it as far as I could tell when I checked it out is Big Thunder Ranch (assuming the music they play there is the same loop, which I believe it is, but I could be wrong). There are several speakers throughout the area, most of which aren't really accessible. There is one, however, which is located behind the bushes off to the left of the path right after you pass BTR on your way to Fantasyland. Unfortunately I didn't have time to make a recording last time. However, the fellow who made the reference recording of the Esplanade Christmas loop I used also made one of Frontierland, so I'll have to see if he can send that to me and try and do a listing at some point.
Teasingly, I'll be going down to Disneyland tomorrow for a visit with some friends who have invited me along on their annual holiday trip. I wont be doing any recordings (at least not of music loops, if we were to go on Indy for instance there wouldn't really be any harm in having an induction pickup handy...). Once or twice a year I like to take a day and not do any recordings, which is sometimes hard, but really it's important as a recorder to take a break every now and again and just ENJOY the parks, as opposed to turning it into work (and believe me, there is nothing particularly fun about sitting, oh, I don't know, in Mickey's Toontown for an hour at night recording holiday loops...not that I don't do it anyways).
Holiday loops are interesting because they only play for a few weeks out of the year, which is likely why so little information about them exists. But if we just take it one at a time eventually we'll get it all figured out.