DL 6 CD Set Reviews- Warning Spoilers!

X-S Tech

Active Member
Well I haven't gotten to listen to the whole set yet, in fact despite Randy's recomendation that the set is meant to be listened to all at once from first disc to last, I've been skipping about checking out tracks I'm especially excited about first and I'm sure I'll get back to the others eventually. But actually I have discovered a few unexpected surprises within tracks that I didn't think would contain anything new. If you don't want anything spoiled, do not read ahead:

-The Carousel of Progress is unique from the version that was released on DLForever. It's minor mostly just a few words reaaranged here and there, but definately a revision of some sort. My guess is that they are either variations on the DL version, or that one is actually a NYWF version. Cool stuff.

-The biggest surprise that I've discovered so far is that the flow thru for Splash Mountain, which I just assumed would be the 9 minute version from the Official Album, actually has the early "Sooner or Later" portion of the ride that was later replaced with "Burrow's Lament". Very cool. I don't know when exactly this was replaced, I did ride Splash in the Summer of '90 but couldn't tell you which version was there.

That's all I've discovered worth mentioning now but I suspect that this set is chock full of little goodies like these. Anyone else?
hey...the carousel of progress....is it the last line of the last act that was changed? i know at worlds fair it had a dfferent tag line


I'm not familar at all with Disneyland's Splash Mountain, but over the past few days I've heard a unofficial track with the gator singing, is he on this version?

How is the Buzz Lightyear track?

How is the Haunted Mansion track?


blm07 - is there a copy of that gator track floating around? The one that says "How do you do? I'm an alligator!" For my friends and I, that gator is the hit of the ride. For some reason, he cracks us up. ;D


blm07 - is there a copy of that gator track floating around? The one that says "How do you do? I'm an alligator!" For my friends and I, that gator is the hit of the ride. For some reason, he cracks us up. ;D

Yeah, I am so used to the WDW version of the ride, it was so strange hearing the DL version because nearly (if not everything) is different. The only place I know about that gator track is on utilidors.com's radio called "Disneyland - Splash Mountain - Complete Attraction". The gator song kinda grew on me, thats why I wanted to know if it was on this set.

X-S Tech

Active Member
-The Space Mountain track is great. It does not include the "Prelaunch" portion of the music. So it's actually about a minute shorter than what you will hear in the attraction.

-Don't remember if the Gator is prominently featured in the Splash Flow Thru. He is in DL's Splash Mountain but you don't hear him as prominently as you do on the Unofficial Flow thru. That flow thru gives a whole loop to each and every character, whereas in reality they are all singing at once. So he's probably in the real one but singing with a bunch of other characters or paired with someone else.

The Buzz Lightyear track is very nice, and different from teh Music that is used at WDW. I hadn't realized that they used different music.

The Pooh Music (though no one asked) is unique from the Florida Official Album version. Actually the music itself is the same but the order fits the DL version of the scenes.


New Member
X-S Tech,

Is there a way you could possibly email me a copy of the Remember..>Dreams Come True Audio track? Id be appreciative very much. You can email it to me if you can:



Come on XS, you know what I wanna know...Hows Innerspace sound? ;D

X-S Tech

Active Member
The sounds of the Monorail is basically the Monorail Horn. Very cool. Turn it up, your neighbors will duck their heads! Then the monorail song sounds like it has a different ending from what was released on DLForever.

Mark I only gave Inner Space a cursory listen so far. My sound system isn't the greatest so I probably won't be able to judge the quality compared to the previous unofficial version. Sorry.

As for the Remember Fireworks show, sorry you'll have to buy it yourself. The good news is that I think this track is available on the 1 and 2 disc sets at all. But no freebies from me. The last thing any of us want to do with such a great release from Disney is to undercut it's success in any way.


New Member
oh man, where is the support group for those of us who can't afford this collection just yet :(

If only I could add it to our wedding registry :)


Actually, alot of that sampler, sounds very similar to the tracks that have been floating around on the web for awhile now. ???

Dear Lord PLEASE tell me Im wrong. I know we have been told that everything has been redone specially for this set, but that sampler really shook my faith in that claim.

Tim C
Just to put you at ease, the 6 minute audio clip that appears on the Walt Disney Records site is a mistake. What is playing now is a mock-up that I did when I proposed the set to the WDR staff. I had built an entire mock-up using sounds that I had collected to build out the set ? to see how big the set was going to be. When I found that it was going to be over 7 hours long, I realized that it would be unreasonable for any of the bosses to spend that much time listening, so I created a little montage. That little montage is what sold everyone on the set. After I went to WDI and rebuilt and restored all of the tracks for the set, I created a new montatge with all of the restored elements. Unfortunately, it was the mock-up that was sent to our Disney On-Line partners. So what you've been hearing is a mock up that I did well over a year ago and does not reflect some content or the quality of the new restored and remastered tracks. Within the next day or so, the new montage will be uploaded with all of the clean new tracks.

Randy Thornton
