Dive Into Disney


I recently got this album and have a few questions as to where it came from. It looks to be a Disney produced Japanese import with these insane versions of Disney songs (MSEP, Pirates, MMC, etc.)...It sounds like garage band was given trumpets and horns and told to go to town.

Anybody have any information on it?


New Member
Dive into Disney was released on the Japan branch of Walt Disney Records in 2002. It is exclusive to Japan but can be bought through Amazon for an arm and a leg.

A companion disc, Mosh Pit on Disney, was released two years later.

Hear some samples:


These discs are a lot of fun and feature some great punk, ska, funk and rock bands. Not just Japanese bands but also American acts too. Andrew WK, the Vandals, Smash Mouth and American Hi-Fi to name a few.

Hope this helps!
