Disneyland: The First 50 Years...A Retrospective


I noticed that MouseInfo.com Radio @ Live 365 has been playing tracks from something called "Disneyland: The First 50 Years...A Retrospective". Does anyone have any information about this set? Sounds fantastic, but I'm wondering if this is simply a (very well done) fan release or a preview of the set Randy is working on for Disneyland's 50th?


Pardon my ignorance guys...I just answered my own question with a little research. Forgive my intrusion; as you were...



The Retrospective is a fan produced collection put together by HitchhikingGhost. The tracks come from many different sources. HitchhikingGhost mixed many of the tracks. Others come from the Disneyland Virtual Audio Tour mixed by Dickie Putnum and released through The Disneyland Source (Dickie did an amazing job on these tracks). Other tracks are rips of old LPs or are recordings that have been floating around for years.

The Retrospective has been posted... and reposted, and reposted, and reposted :) ... in a.b.m.disney and a.b.m.disney.parks. They are also available via IRC in #disney-central on Newnet. HHG went through a lot of work putting this collection together and is definitely worth downloading.


micca: TTiiMM summed up exactly what I found out - so there you go! Thanks, TTiiMM.

The Mouse Info: I loooove your radio station. Thanks so much!

Jestyr, your so very welcome....

If you, or anyone on Magicmusic.net have any request, please feel free to post over in the Mouseinfo.com Boards/ Radio Forum. I would be happy help you track down tracks and play them for you on the station...

Back On Topic,

Just what TiiMM Posted.... GGG did an awsome job with the set, but I am waiting for the 50th from Randy, and although I dont argee with GGG statement about his stuff being better, I find that WDR has come off with some great meaterial in recent times...
