Disneyland resort Remeber the Moments 2 CD Set

I was wondering if anyone has a copy of the newest 2 CD set from the Disneyland Resort called "Remember the Moments." I am trying to compare the tracks of this set to a few other CD's that I currently have. I am trying to decide if I want to buy this CD set in addition to the other CD's I have already purchased. Would anyone be willing to list the tracks and the times for each track on this newest CD set from Disneyland? Thanks!!!!! ;D
Thanks for the help. I really want to find the times of each track if possible. I have a lot of these tracks on the 6 CD Box set of Musical History of Disneyland and a previous CD with music from the California Adventure. I am trying to compare them to the versions on these CD's and see if they are different. I know that a lot of the songs are duplicated on several CD's, but many times they may be different versions of the same song. Knowing the title doesn't always mean that it is the same song. Any advice?


Active Member
Ok, I don't know track times, but I do know that there are a few new tracks not on the DL 6 disc set, and there are a few revisions.

Here's what's new or different on the DL "Remember the Moments" CD's.

1. New Main Street Track "Beautiful Beulah".
2. The Splash Mountain Medley now contains the correct "Burrows Lament" section.
3. New "Sooner or Later" Critter Country area music
4. "Welcome to Tomorrowland" is totally new. I'm unclear on where at Disneyland it plays, since it was also included on WDW's new OA.
5. "Honey I Shrunk the Audience" is new, but also on the WDW OA.
6. The Space Mountain track is the full version, so it's longer and has the lift hills, and some exit music.

California Adventure:
7. A Bug's Life Suite is completely new (A Bug's Land area music).
8. "Monsters Inc. Mike & Sully to the Rescue" is totally new as well.

So, that's it, and to me, it's worth picking up the new CD set, even just for the correct versions of Splash and Space Mountain.


New Member
There's one more song on the remember the moments that's is not on any other cd. Its the new version of remember dreams come true. Its the same for like 99%, but some of Julie's narration is different. They took out all the parts where she mentioned the 50th. Hope that helps.


welcome to tomorrowland is an unused or rejected track, from the tomorrowland area loop by composer Dan Foliart.

X-S Tech

Active Member
As far as anyone's been able to tell, the Star Trader plays music by Perrey-Kingsley. However that Tomorrowland track would blend nicely with that style. I haven't noticed it in there, but I wouldn't say it's impossible that it's part of the loop and nobody's noticed. Nobody has supplied a playslist for this loop yet.


The "Welcome to Tomorrowland" cue has a very show opening feel to it. The idea was
to make the Loop seamless..no real opening or ending, and that
is the reason it wasn't used. - direct quote from the composer!


The tomorrowland area music(that you mostly hear underneath the old peoplemover track and by the observatron) all has a very similar sounding feel to it, but it's not the same track as this.

I don't think it feels like a show opening or anything... It's just another song that would be in the loop of synthesizer music... Don't know why they wouldn't have wanted to use it heh.

edit: ya know what i guess i'll take that back. I suppose if you were listening to tomorrowland area music at it came on it MIGHT feel like a show opener or something different than a normal song.. MAYBE :p But I don't see the harm in drawing people's attention to the futuristic sounding area music. Some of it already does that. I certainly get drawn to the area music from certain songs on main street or other lands :p

X-S Tech

Active Member
As a theme, I really really like this Tomorrowland piece. While the style is more synthesized than I normally like, it very much reminds me of old Epcot music (whatever that means right?). I like how it's very powerful, but also has almost a melancholy (melancholic?) tone to it.
