Disney Music at Inauguration?

I am in the US and I was watching the coverage of the Inauguration today. I noticed a couple of times that there was music playing that I recognized from the Illuminations show in Epcot. I don't know if it was ABC that was playing it. I was watching my local affiliate for ABC and I heard it a couple of different times throughout the broadcast. I first heard it when they were showing the President Elect, now President, and his wife, now First Lady, going into church. Did anyone else hear it and recognize it?
By the way, I also loved the special piece that was arranged for the Inauguration by John Williams. It was played by Yo Yo Ma, and Itzhak Perlman, and another perfomer or two. I did not catch the other names.


That was Reflections of Earth from the Millennium Celebration! :D (or just Illuminations: Reflections of Earth now)

That is my favorite pieces. I suppose they used it because it was also used in that welcome to America video?


P.S. Hi Angie! *waves*


Well I know someone first found it months ago, and it should be in the archives, but a quick google found this site:


Pretty cool video. I still keep hearing it on the Inauguration coverage. It is when Diane Sawyer and Charlie Gibson are talking about the Inauguration, so I am guessing it is ABC. Since they are owned by Disney, it makes sense. It is one of my favorites too. I was just surprised to hear it. Kind of cool!
