Disney in Outer Space??


Active Member
I just found this this morning. It's the next four DVD releases from the "Walt Disney Treasures" Series.

Walt Disney Treasures: Disney in Outer Space (Buena Vista)
Walt Disney Treasures: Disney-The War Years (Buena Vista)
Walt Disney Treasures: Mickey Mouse in Living Color 2 (Buena Vista)
Walt Disney Treasures: The Chronological Donald (Buena Vista)

I knew about 3 of them, but what's the "Disney in Outer Space" thing about? Does anybody know what it is?

Also, on a slightly off-topic note, there will be a special edition DVD of "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" released this November...finally!


Active Member

Well, I should know better than to not really research something completely. After searching for it on the net, I came up with this info...

Quted from "The Digital Bits":


We've gotten some interesting info on this year's potential slate of Walt Disney Treasures DVDs. Word from Leonard Maltin himself is that Disney in Outer Space is among the titles in the works, which would include all three of the classic Ward Kimball/Werner von Braun TV collaborations (Man in Space, Tomorrow the Moon and Mars and Beyond). Additional extras on the disc would include the 1959 satellite short Eyes in Outer Space. Also a potential 2003 release in this series would be the title delayed from last year, Wartime Disney, which may include the rare Victory Through Air Power feature. And there's also every likelihood of another character set as well, probably featuring Donald Duck. We'll post more when it's official.>4/2/03

We have an additional update on the Walt Disney Treasures DVDs expected to be released later this year. The latest intelligence indicates that you'll get The Chronological Donald, Disney: The War Years (which will include Victory Through Air Power as expected) and Mickey Mouse in Living Color 2. The other title we mentioned the other day, Disney in Outer Space, IS in production, but we're told now that this will probably not make the 2003 slate.

Stay tuned...

X-S Tech

Active Member
While I am glad that the Outer Space set is on it's way these were shown ad nauseum on Vault Disney. The ones that seemed to show up less frequently were the rebroadcasts edited to include Ludwig Von Drake as narrator and host. These would be great to compliment the original Werner Von Braun, Willy Ley stuff. I know most of the footage is identical but Von Drakes Commentary makes it like a whole new program. Perhaps we can get a whole set devoted to Ludwig. That would be cool.
Thanks for the info, Ben. I'm hesitant to register any complaints about what's being offered here, as I'm just pleased that the series continues--and that despite their other misadventures, the Walt Disney Company can still present us with quality material. Let's see how long they maintain interest in the series--interest apparently has waned regarding the Vault Disney collection, but hopefully more are in the works, just haven't heard. Mike.

Dr. Know

Does anyone know whether Donald in Mathmagicland will be included on any of these forthcoming dvds?



Active Member
I highly doubt it. I'm not sure what category it would fall under, but I'm sure it won't be in the Chronological Donald series yet, as the first DVD will contain his earliest shorts.
