Disney at NY World's Fair CD Box


Active Member
Well, I don't know if there is a definitive one because the set wasn't put into production, so track names, order, and such could have been changed before actual release, but...

As far as I know, the tracks as they are now are as follows. Also as I understand it, some of the track names (especially the International Gardens tracks) were given to them internally, and not official names, but if you need titles, then these names do just fine.

Ford Magic Skyway:
1. ?The World of Tomorrow? 2:59
2. The Magic Skyway 10:32
3. International Gardens ?The South American Way? 2:47
4. International Gardens ?La Gaviota? 4:39
5. International Gardens ?Serengeti Serenade? 4:03
6. International Gardens ?Moonlight Time in Old Hawaii? 3:02
7. International Gardens ?Disneyland ?61? 1:42
8. International Gardens ?Join the Swing? 2:54
9. International Gardens ?The Flubber Waltz? 3:11
10. International Gardens ?Flyin? Ford? 3:43
11. International Gardens ?Nation on Wheels? 3:08
12. Auto Parts Harmonic 8:57
13. Walt Disney Sessions 8:27
14. ?Get the Feel of the Wheel? 6:12

General Electric Progressland:
1. ?There?s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow? (Progressland Spectacular) 4:47
2. Welcome 0:20
3. Walt and the Sherman Brothers 2:32
4. Carousel of Progress (Early Script Reading) 3:06
5. Carousel of Progress (Alternate Universe Version) 27:07
6. Skydome Spectacular 7:58
7. Toucan and Parrot (Electronic Utility Show) 8:44
8. Music to Buy Toasters By 4:01
9. Mirror Maze 5:08
10. Carousel of Music ? Kaleidophonic Opening 3:17
11. Carousel of Music ? 1890?s 0:44
12. Carousel of Music ? Dixieland Gramaphone 1:44
13. Carousel of Music ? 1920?s 0:45
14. Carousel of Music ? 1940?s 0:47
15. Carousel of Music ? Radio and Record Player 1:05
16. Horizons (EPCOT) 1:04

It?s a Small World:
1. Attraction Entrance Music 3:09
2. ?It?s a Small World? Mega Mix (No Vocals) 20:55
3. Attraction Exit Music 2:42
4. Dick Sherman & Ginny Tyler Demo 1:06
5. Isolated Vocals 2:18
6. Isolated Adult Counterpoint Vocals 0:22
7. Disneyland Paris Music Bed #1 2:09
8. Disneyland Paris Music Bed #2 1:33
9. Promotional Film Soundtrack 9:16

Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln:
1. Walt Disney Talks About Mr. Lincoln 0:58
2. Original Pre-show 9:02
3. Original Show 9:13
4. Original Pre-show (Instrumental) 10:18
5. Original Show (Instrumental) 8:38
6. Lincoln Recording Session Outtakes 5:33
7. ?Battle Hymn of the Republic? A Cappella Version 1:37



Your suspicion is correct - those tracks are the result of manipulation by someone over at the Usenet alt.binaries.multimedia.disney group.

While they are certainly of interest, they are not part of the intended official release.

One further track that *was* intended for the legitimate release, however has failed to surface at all thus far is an "Early Recording" of Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln that was to be track 2 on that disc, and would have been slotted in between the Walt narrative and original pre-show recordings.

Also, contrary to Ben's post (no offense, Ben) the CDs were to be in this order:

CD1 - Progressland
CD2 - Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln
CD3 - it's a small world
CD4 - Magic Skyway

This info, however, comes from an early unfinished version of the box set's artwork -- and does feature titles for the tracks that are somewhat less -- shall we say "polished -- than what Ben has quoted above.

Your mileage may vary.



New Member
I am wondering where the music from this box set came from if it was never released. I don't understand what "manipulation by someone over at the Usenet alt.binaries.multimedia.disney group" actually means. I am just curious.



1) The box set was never released, but the audio material and other production materials for the set (which was hovering at around 98% complete) have leaked out and are traded amongst the cognoscenti.

2) To clarify, an individual recently reposted the audio from the set on Usenet and added extra audio tracks to the existing set line-up in what may have seemed like a valiant effort to beef up the original track line-up, but in fact served only to blur the reality of what would have been included on the official release had it come to fruition.

Hope that helps.



Active Member
No offense taken, Steve. that's why I didn't label the discs "disc 1", "disc 2", etc... I just put them in my favorite order...
