Dance Dance Revolution for Playstation

Hey music lovers!

I noticed that there is a game for the Playstation called Dance Dance Revolution - Disney Mix.

I know the object of the game is to step on a directional arrow on a dance pad when that arrow is lit, following a certain pattern.

My questions are:
Does anyone have this game and is it fun?
and ....
What Disney songs are featured in the game?

I've also seen a Jungle Book game that is similar so if you have any opinions on that, please feel free to post those as well!


New Member
I don't know much about the game, but I have heard an awesome (far too short) mix of Main Street Electrical parade that's from the Japanese double CD "Dance Dance Revolution Disney's Rave"

I don't know if the Playstation version is the same, but here's the tracklist for those CDs:

1. How to Play (Jingle)
2. Select (Jingle)
3. Lesson Mode (Jingle)
4. Dance Magic (Jingle)
5. D.D.D!-Happy 65th Anniversary for Donald Duck- / THE ALFEE feat. Donald Duck
6. It's a Small World-Ducking Hardcore Mix-(New Recording)
7. Electrical Parade-Retro Future Mix-(New Recording)
8. Mickey Mouse March (Eurobeat Version) / Domino
9. Macho Duck / Domino
10. It's a Small World / ABeatC all stars
11. Supercalifragilicexpialidocious / Go Go Girls
12. Chim Chim Cher-ee
13. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah / Domino
14. Mickey Mouse March (Summertime Extended Version) / Domino
15. Night of Fire / NIKO
16. Twilight Zone / Zodiac
17. Macarena / 2 Locos In A Room
18. Fire / Combined
19. Let's Groove
20. I Want You Back
21. Superstition
22. The Bump
23. (Are You Ready)Do The Bus Stop
24. Disco Inferno
25. Surfin' U.S.A.
26. Let's Twist Again / Chubby Checker
27. Vacation
28. Mr. Bassman
29. Johnny B. Goode
30. Result (Jingle)
31. Ending (Jingle)

1. Mickey Mouse March (Summertime Extended Version)
2. It's a Small World
3. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah
4. D.D.D!-Happy 65th Anniversary for Donald Duck-
5. Fire
6. Surfin' U.S.A.
7. Johnny B. Goode
8. I Want You Back
9. The Bump
10. Superstition
11. Macarena
12. Supercalifragilicexpialidocious
13. Chim Chim Cher-ee
14. Vacation
15. Mr.Bassman
16. Let's Twist Again
17. (Are You Ready) Do The Bus Stop
18. Disco Inferno
19. Let's Groove
20. Twilight Zone
21. Electrical Parade-Retro Future Mix-
22. Night of Fire
23. Macho Duck
24. It's a Small World-Ducking Hardcore Mix-
25. Mickey Mouse March (Eurobeat Version)

Best regards,


New Member

The Japanese version of the Playstation game is different from the USA version. For the USA release, they (Konami) had to remove/replace some the tracks due to licensing issues and UNFORTUNATELY.. the MSEP track was removed for the USA release among others. So if you really want to DDR to MSEP.... get the Japanese version. Otherwise the Soundtrack listed above is Grade A....that is for DDR type music.

BTW... this MSEP re-mix is one of my favorites.

The Playstation version is a port from a ARCADE FULL SIZE version that again for licensing reasons,(and most likely lack of demand) will never see the "arcade" light of day in the US.

I would imagine that these "Disney" DDR machines would have been extremely popular at the theme parks in the US........ ho hum..


Active Member
So the game actually did get a US release? I thought it was just a Japanese release. I knew about the Jungle Book Groove game, but now I have to go look for the US DDR!


Oooh, they actually have that at Disneyland, and WDW, too, I believe! It's in Innoventions. I played it over the weekend, and loved it! I'm even bad at those kinds of games. ;)

They have a Jungle Book version of DDR as well. I'm not sure what it's called, but they also have that at Innoventions.



Active Member
OK, so I went out and bought the game yesterday, and I liked it! I have the soundtrack from the Japanese one, so I was familiar with the songs. Also some of the Disney songs were used at Tokyo Disneyland for "Club Disney Super Dancin' Mania". I did notice a few different tracks in the American one, but it wasn't completely different in feel. It's a very fun game to play, and even better with 2 people!
I got the games!

Dance Dance Revolution - Disney Mix has techno versions of:
Chim Chim Cher-ee
It's A Small World
Mickey Mouse March

All of them are great to hear, and it's kinda like a follow up to the Mouse House - Disney's Dance Mixes CD from a few years back

The game is soooooooooo much fun!

I also have the Jungle Book Rhythm and Groove game which is just as fun. My boyfriend is borrowing that game but once I have it back I'll let you guys know all about the new songs that are featured in the game!
