Cowboy Cookout BBQ


DLRP explorer
Playlist Author
The Cowboy Cookout BBQ is situated in Frontierland in what looks like a large barn decorated with many items of western style from Navajo rugs, wagon wheels and crates to rocking horses and specializes in BBQ food -chicken, ribs, burgers etc (and tasty they all are too). :)
They have live C&W music several times during the day - some inside on the stage and, in good weather conditions, outside on the "porch".
The music loop consists of typical western tunes (many from the Frontierland loop at WDW - another case where this loop is separated into individual tracks and spread around the various areas of Frontierland in this park - although whether Tom Paxton's "Last thing on my mind" fits into that genre is debatable).

Some titles have been abridged and some have new names which seem specific to this particular recording. For clarity, the titles by which they may be better known are shown in brackets (where we know them, of course).
The "official" listing for this loop (supplied by DLRP) is:

> 1 Parrot Hoedown (unable to find any reference to this tune bar this listing)
> 2 Old Joe (Usually "Old Joe Clarke").
> 3 Tumblin' Tumbleweeds *
> 4 Ole Sal
> 5 Whatjamacallit (I saw the Light)
> 6 Cowboy's Dream (tune: My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean)
> 7 Ole Slew Foot
> 8 Cripple Creek
> 9 The Streets Of Laredo * (NOT, as in some lists, Wild Rover)
> 10 Ida Red
> 11 Red Wing
> 12 Cool Water *
> 13 Old Dan Tucker *
> 14 Old Joe Who
> 15 The Last Roundup *
> 16 Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain
> 17 Clementine *
> 18 Last Thing On My Mind
> 19 You Can Have Her
> 20 Shenandoah

Those marked * appear to be from the WDW loop.
Track 15 is the "unknown" track 11 in the listings found elsewhere for the WDW loop.

This listing does differ slightly from some that have been posted but that may be because the tracks were altered over the years or (more likely) the tunes used are known by other names by the compilers of the lists. It is quite common for songs to be written to existing tunes (best example is "Sweet Betsey from Pike" which has well over 100 other songs and titles that use the same tune.
For those (like me) not too well-versed in this genre, a Google search will bring up sound clips of these tunes (different artists, of course)for confirmation of the titles.
