I agree with those who prefer the Original CBJ show!
However, on the occasions that I've seen the Vacation Hoedown, I did enjoy that show as well! Certainly a lot more than Enchanted Tiki Room: Under New Management!
It all comes down to the basic tone/theme.
From what I can remember, I don't remember anything in Vacation Hoedown that trashes the original show. The tone just seems to be "We're versatile bears and we can put on a show for every season!" In other words, not BETTER, just different.
In Under New Management, the tone seems to be 'That "old" show is "uncool", "unhip", "outdated", etc'. which thus implies the same is true for anyone who actually LOVES the original show. It also implies the new show is better and that the original won't be coming back to Florida.
Had they taken a different approach to the Tiki "sequel", such as creating an ALTERNATE show that could rotate with the original show like the Bears without trashing the original in the process, my opinion of the Tiki sequel would have of course been entirely different.
As for the Bears, I say, yes, keep rotating them. The only flaw I can see is that people who usually visit at the same time of year always end up seeing the same show, which may not be their favorite. But I'm sure for locals it keeps things really fresh and makes whichever show is their favorite seem all the more special when it comes back!
Just please, DO NOT leave the original version out in the rain!!!!!
If that is true, that's really pathetic. I hope it's not some excuse to scrap VH in favor of a new show based on a movie "tie-in".