Country Bear Vacation Hoedown

Here's the situation guys, The Country Bear Vacation Hoedown WAS supposed to return to WDW this July. However it appears the sets/props were ACCIDENTLY destroyed. IF there are enough fans who like the Vacation show if we write to Disney and show our support we MIGHT be able to get them to reproduce the sets/props costumes. So I urge you if you want the show back show your support for CBVH through this poll and letters to Disney.


Active Member
I might be in the minority here. So far my vote definitely is. Forgive me .

I've never liked the Vacation Hoedown (or the Christmas show) NEARLY as much as the One And Only, Original, Country Bear Jamboree (featuring a bit of Americana and our musical heritage from the past). It might be because the Jamboree was the "first" version I ever saw, in 1979, and it was the version I audiotaped (and later memorized) on my (huge) Radio Shack tape recorder back in 1983. In fact, I don't think I even SAW the Vacation Hoedown version until my first trip to DL, back in 1989.

To me, the Jamboree IS the Country Bears. Vacation Hoedown is fun, but it has a totally different feel, and the music isn't as toe-tapping as the Jamboree. In my humble opinion.

However, for those of you who appreciate the Hoedown more than I do, I hope they CAN get it back, for your enjoyment.

And what kind of IDIOTS would leave stuff out in the RAIN? This is FLORIDA...they KNOW it rains. Every afternoon from June until October, it rains. And this is WDW...they've done this before...they should know better .

I must agree, I love the original show more than the Hoedown (but Xmas is right up there!). I would like to see it on a seasonal basis, don't get me wrong.

It may have been left out by a dumb maintence person OR they could have done it intentionally. We are not sure. There is no proof it has been destroyed either; only by words of CMs and their observation.

David S.

I agree with those who prefer the Original CBJ show!

However, on the occasions that I've seen the Vacation Hoedown, I did enjoy that show as well! Certainly a lot more than Enchanted Tiki Room: Under New Management!

It all comes down to the basic tone/theme.

From what I can remember, I don't remember anything in Vacation Hoedown that trashes the original show. The tone just seems to be "We're versatile bears and we can put on a show for every season!" In other words, not BETTER, just different.

In Under New Management, the tone seems to be 'That "old" show is "uncool", "unhip", "outdated", etc'. which thus implies the same is true for anyone who actually LOVES the original show. It also implies the new show is better and that the original won't be coming back to Florida.

Had they taken a different approach to the Tiki "sequel", such as creating an ALTERNATE show that could rotate with the original show like the Bears without trashing the original in the process, my opinion of the Tiki sequel would have of course been entirely different.

As for the Bears, I say, yes, keep rotating them. The only flaw I can see is that people who usually visit at the same time of year always end up seeing the same show, which may not be their favorite. But I'm sure for locals it keeps things really fresh and makes whichever show is their favorite seem all the more special when it comes back!

Just please, DO NOT leave the original version out in the rain!!!!!

If that is true, that's really pathetic. I hope it's not some excuse to scrap VH in favor of a new show based on a movie "tie-in".

I just wanted to express my sincere thanks to all who have taken part in my poll. Special thanks to the 84% that voted YES to roatating the 3 shows. You ALL are the best!!!!
Re:Country Bear Vacation Hoedown..NEWS UPDATE!

Just found out from Ursus H. Bear yesterday that it appears that WDW may put this show back in their rotation next year. HEE HAW!!!
Getting the original program to CD isn't too difficult if you have the LP and can find a place willing to do a professional transfer to CD. There's one such place near where my parents live where professionally done transfers only cost the price of a new CD. I was able to do this for the old LPs of "Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln" and "Hall Of Presidents."


New Member
One funny little side note to the possibillity of the Vacation Hoedown going into the rotation at WDW is that for years pictures from the Disneyland Vacation Hoedown have been used in WDW souvenir books (both hardcover and softcover versions) to represent the Magic Kingdoms CBJ there was even a postcard or two released at WDW with the Disneyland shows picture on it. I wondered if the people who did this were mostly doing it as a sort of "inside joke" for the more knowledgeble fans , or how often it has been a matter of the cast members who assembled these things not knowing that there were different shows palying from the one coast to the other.

Walt Disney World a History in Postcards:

Here's the situation guys, The Country Bear Vacation Hoedown WAS supposed to return to WDW this July. However it appears the sets/props were ACCIDENTLY destroyed. IF there are enough fans who like the Vacation show if we write to Disney and show our support we MIGHT be able to get them to reproduce the sets/props costumes. So I urge you if you want the show back show your support for CBVH through this poll and letters to Disney.
Yup; in fact, one can tell by Zeke's color fur. In Walt Disney World, his fur color remained grey. Disneyland's, on the otherhand, remained black.

Also; on the CD note, even the record isn't the best way to have a soundtrack. Two songs (Devilish Mary and If Ya Can't Bite...) have different singers from the actual show, and also, the quality still isn't very good. In addition, Disney could release the show on CD (if all rights are dealt with) in a ((STEREO)) version...mono is okay...but there really is a huge difference between the record and masters or even a telephone pickup... ;)
Spoke w/ the exeutive offices of WDW this morning & the guy on the phone was very impressed w/ the results of this poll (I gave him the results in my email) He said he would pass the email on to the VP of the Magic Kingdom.


New Member
Now, let's see how long it'll be till he reads it and does anything about it!

First thing would be to get a sponsor of course(Those extra funds have to come from somewhere ya know!)
