Candelight Processional Rehearsal Last Night-MUST READ :)


New Member
Hi Everyone,
I've been reading for years, only posted once or twice. I'm a big fan of Disney music like everyone on here, and figured you guys would get a kick out of my experience from last night. Basically, I'm a freelance musician out of Orlando, I play violin and viola. I've been contracted as a sub musician for Candlelight this year and we had first rehearsal last night. Needless to say, I was beyond excited! Most of people there were just going through the motions, it's just a gig to them, they've played it many years, but it was new and fun for me. I'll cut to the chase; it was cool to get to go through Cast Services at Epcot and see where they keep all the clothing for all the workers; looked like thousands and thousands of clothing pieces. Then I took the West cast bus to the American Adventure backstage area where the rehearsal room was located. Rick Mizell was there as well as John Sinclair, who as you know conducts some of the performances. We went through the music, theres two new numbers this year, including a new arrangement of Do You Hear..? When we started playing Shout for Joy, I couldn't stop grinning ear to ear:) Seriously, it was fantastic, I was having a ball. We rehearsed through the program, adding the herald trumpets about midway through, they sounded great as usual. We took a break where they fed us some food, nice! A rarity in this biz. After practicing inside from 6-10, we took dinner break from 10-11. Then, the impossible: practice in the cold, on stage from 11-2am! :)
Let me tell you, entering the park from the gated entrance next to Liberty Inn after it had closed, when it's empty, nobody but just us; with the BGM playing from the pavilions, was PRICELESS. The place looked great, all lit up with lights for the season. The weather was COLD, but they had heaters on stage, Nice. We went through the music some more. We took a couple more breaks through the night at the Liberty Inn to keep warm. (BTW, if you have a chance, there's a fantasticly huge gingerbread house in the Inn to check out if you have the chance.) Sorry, I went so long, I wanted to share one of my dreams come true; it was great to play the music.
I'm scheduled to play Dec. 9, I'm the only guy violist on that date if you wanna come up and say hi, I'd love to meet other Disney music lovers. They'll be more dates besides that, but they'll be scheduled on the day of; when people cancel and can't make it.
Sorry again this went long, just wanted to share some joy! :) In summary; it was AWESOME, take care all. If any questions, just ask; I'll answer to best of my ability. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and New Years to all.



Joshua- Thanks for sharing.Sounds like you had a wonderful night.Epcot is great at Christmastime.Good luck to you on Dec. 9. Have a very happy holiday. :)


Thanks for sharing that story. I will be heading out there next week and then again in a few weeks to see the show. Every year, I look so forward to the CP performances and narrators. They are always awesome.

Also, on an unrelated note, I hear rumors that there will be a CD soundtrack to Nemo The Musical from the new show at Animal Kingdom. I hope that what I am hearing is true because the music is awesome.



New Member
Thanks for the comments you guys. BTW, from what I hear, Nemo is in previews now, should be fun, I've heard great things about it.



It sounds like it was truly a magical experience for you, just as it would be for many of us who hang out on these boards.

Wish you nothing but the best on December 9th and all thru the Christmas and Holiday Season.

