Do the parks not offer playlists at guest relations anymore? I remember back in the mid-90's, at least at EPCOT, they would give you a printed list of all of the area and attraction loops. Some of them weren't quite complete, but it sure as heck was better than nothing. I don't know if they do that anymore, since it seems CM's have no idea where to refer people.
As of January 2009 I either grew two heads or I learned a foreign language.
Not only were they not giving out any playlists, you would have thought that I had done one (or Both) of the two previously mentioned actions. I kept telling myself that I COULDN"T be the only person who had ever asked that question. And yet every time I asked, I was given the same quizzical look, 2-3 people would get together, one would get a supervisor, and then the 4 of them would tell me that (1) they had never been asked that before (2) that there were none that they were aware of.
I asked at guest relations at all four parks, Blizzard Beach, Saratoga Springs and Old Key West.
No joy at any of them.
I gave up asking, and decided that I'd get as much of my own as I could. So here I was, going around using a music ID program on my cell phone to get as much as I could. Lots of funny looks that I'm sure many of you are used to.
Nice thing was it would even give me the album. Bad thing was It couldn't help with certain songs that weren't in a standard American Play list. It had no problem with songs like "Tomorrow People" over at OKW but when it played a steel drum version of "Matilda" it was completely lost.