Box Set Track questions.


For those of use who havent received their box sets yet, heres a forum to ask those who have how things sound...if ya wanna, that is.

Im curious, are Pooh, Buzz, and Roger Rabbit "Ride thrus" or just tracks of background music? I really enjoy the Japanese version of the Roger Rabbit ride thru and have been hoping for an American version.

Also, how amazing is Innerspace? :D


Active Member
Pooh, Buzz, and Roger Rabbit, are all just the soundtracks. They are ridethroughs, but no dialogue or sound effects (Buzz does actually have some SFX).

Pooh, sounds very much like the track on the WDW Official Album, however it's arranged in the order of the DL show scenes.

Buzz is very nice. It's got some of the sound effects of targets being hit, and what happens when you hit them. There is no dialogue though.

Roger Rabbit seems identical to the track found on the "Disneyland/Walt Disney World Music Vacation" CD released in Japan. It's score only, and not all of it. The "portable hole" finale is missing.

Inner Space is fantastic! It's stereo, and has all effects, and narration. It's much better than the fan-made ride through that's been floating around.

Oh, and I have to say I really really LOVE the new Space Mountain track, and think it's much improved over the Dick Dale version. It's very "Incredibles" but not...if that makes sense. It's just fun.


Oh, and I have to say I really really LOVE the new Space Mountain track, and think it's much improved over the Dick Dale version. It's very "Incredibles" but not...if that makes sense. It's just fun.

That's exactly what I thought at first, too... then looked at the book, and read that Michael Giacchino scored the new SM track. ;) I love it!
im quite curious about america the beautiful....its never appeared on any album as far as i it the music to entire film....or narration with music....and which version....dean jones did the updated narration.


Active Member
Dean Jones?? Are you sure about that? The narrator of the '76 update definately doesn't sound like him.


Wow, Thanks Ben...I cant wait :D
sure sounds like dean jones on the updated version.....its the version they brought back before they closed the theater (not the version that was shown on the disney channel)


Active Member
Maybe you mean "American Journeys"? That was the last film playing at the CircleVision theater before it was closed...or was it "Wonders of China"?
Re:Box Set Track questions. Space Mnt.


Is the Space Mountain track similar to the music to SM Mission 2 in Paris. It is the same composer. The music in Paris is excellent and very fitting with the new attarction, very James Bond-esque.

Have a great day!



A couple questions:

Which version of Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln is used and how does it vary from previously released versions/

Are tracks such as the streetcar, sound of Adventureland, sounds of the Mark Twain, etc., just wild tracks of these areas or attractions?

Which version of It's a Small World and how long of a version?

Are the tracks on the Seasonal attractions disc all re-releases of previously released material?



I don't know all of them off the top of my head, but here's the ones I can answer:

-The Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln is the older one (not the one with the barber at the beginning).
-The "sounds" tracks are recordings of the sounds you might hear in that area - eg boat engines around the Jungle Cruise, the monorail honking. Very much like standing somewhere in the park and listening for a few seconds. :)
-I believe the seasonal ones are all the same as old releases, yes, but someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong there.


About the new daytime Space Mountain track in Anaheim compared to the Space Mountain Mission 2 soundtrack in Paris: it is the same main theme and therefore VERY similar as the only difference is the variation. Basically the composer came up with one theme both attractions now share and then created the final score for both attractions independently using the same theme adapting it to the flow of the different rides. The effect is a very similar sounding soundtrack that stillemphasized the actual ride experience.



Im curious, do the tracks blend into each other or are there clean breaks between each track...

ie (Hypathetically) Would it go from the sounds of Tomorrowland then dissolve into Adventure thru InnerSpace, or would it go from Sounds of Tomorrowland, fade out, Adventure thru Innerspace?

you know?


New Member
Hello! :)

I had a few questions about the new box set.

1) Is the Temple of the Forbidden Eye track just music or music and dialog?

2) Does the Pirates track have the updated 'pork loin' spiel or the old 'lively lassie' spiel?

3) What background music did Randy add to the Mansion ER and is it distracting?

4) Is the Splash track just music or music and dialog?

Thanks in advance!
1) Just the score
2) 'lively lassie'
3) The music that is playing in the foyer; no, it's very quiet
4) Music and Dialog
-I believe the seasonal ones are all the same as old releases, yes, but someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong there.

Randy has said that the Haunted Mansion Holiday track is the one from the first year, the one they currently sell in the stores.
