

Playlist Author
I linked to an external blog last night and everything was working fine. However, this morning, the link is no longer working (from here). So while my blog is showing up under the Community Blog list, it seems to be linking to an internal blog which has no posts. Any ideas?

Magic Music

Playlist Author
The forum is configured for hosted blogs. You can reference an external blog in your signature or elsewhere in your member profile.



Playlist Author
The forum is configured for hosted blogs. You can reference an external blog in your signature or elsewhere in your member profile.
This seems to be different than how the description reads in the blog overview section. It worked last night, so was the forum configured to host only internal blogs sometime after midnight?

Magic Music

Playlist Author
This seems to be different than how the description reads in the blog overview section.
Are you referring to the 'Help' files? Depending on how things are configured, some of what is mentioned there would not apply. After the forum's settings have become more rigid, I will have to do some editing of the 'Help' files.

was the forum configured to host only internal blogs sometime after midnight?
Possibly. I was still throwing switches after I activated the blogs.



Playlist Author
Is it possible to add pictures to a blog? I tried using the "Insert Image" function, but received the following error message.

"Sorry, dynamic pages in the

Magic Music

Playlist Author
Is it possible to add pictures to a blog?
Absolutely. You can use tags or you can upload your image(s) as attachment(s).

[quote="Horizons, post: 28658"]"Sorry, dynamic pages in the [IMG] tags are not allowed"[/quote]
That is correct. Dynamic pages are not allowed.

Good Link = [url=""][/url]

Bad Link = [url=""][/url]

