Beware of Itunes.....


New Member
I just wanted to warn people when using itunes with an ipod...........................WHEN UPDATING YOUR SOFTWARE, BE CAREFUL WHAT COMMAND YOU CHOOSE!!!!!!!!

I just lost forever pvert 500 Disney tracks with no replacement. All original tracks were lost in a moving van a couple of months ago so I have no back script:cry()

Total script:embarassed()

WHile I am at there anyone who can help retreive these tracks.

I would apprecaite anything at this point.......

I appreciate your time...... :-[


Might I add that one should never rely on the iPod's music library as a safe backup. It is only meant to be a copy of the library on the host computer. It is nearly impossible to copy tracks from an iPod back to a computer, and with it's small form-factor and internal mechanical harddrive inside it is prone to data loss much more easily than a desktop computer would.

Good luck in retrieving your tracks!


lilgerm without any further information what you did / what happened it is impossible to help you.

You may try your luck over at the boards of - but with a more detailed description maybe.



Might I add that one should never rely on the iPod's music library as a safe backup. It is only meant to be a copy of the library on the host computer. It is nearly impossible to copy tracks from an iPod back to a computer, and with it's small form-factor and internal mechanical harddrive inside it is prone to data loss much more easily than a desktop computer would.

Good luck in retrieving your tracks!

Actually - it's quite easy to copy tracks back from your iPod to the desktop using this application:

iPod Access is stable & easy to use - I've been using it for about a year & 1/2 now - after the same thing happened to me! I lost 20 gigs of mp3s.... So now I back them up as I turn them into m4as... I have about 37 cds of files - so even if my iPod fries, I have them backed up!
