Back up everything


New Member
Hello all,

I'm an infrequent poster but I follow the board closely. Two days ago someone broke into my home and stole my laptop, iPod and iPod shuffle.

My entire collection of Disney park audio files (almost 10 years worth of collecting online) was lost. Everything was saved on my laptop harddrive. I always thought to myself, "I should back everything up," but never got around to doing so. At this point I do not even think I have it in me to start over.

This message is just a reminder to you all. Please, please, please back up your music collections.


New Member
I don't know if that's worse or not than *not* having it stolen, having your computer crash and realizing after the fact that it's all your fault for not backing it up. I'll tell ya though, I 100% agree with you. Back up the stuff because you just never know what might happen, especially with a PC!

After completely crashing like three times over the course of several years, and being VERY LUCKY that I was able to recover it (though I did lose other files) I've learned to back everything up to a set of DVD-R's, as well as buy an extrernal harddrive to back everything onto to as well. I totally recommend getting an extrenal harddrive for those of you with big collections (or lots of "valuable" junk on your computers for that matter).. The one I bought is from Western Digital, and it's called a Passport. Mine is 80 gig, though i know they also make at least 120gig. It was reasonably priced at somewhere around $100 if memory serves... It's more than a standard external HD, but the benefit comes in that it is very thin, maybe 1/2" thick and maybe an inch or inch and a half longer than my wallet. It can fit in my pocket if need be, but the key is it's designed for travel and portablitiy - where as other HDs can actually *lose* data by being bumped around (even something as subtle as being used on a car ride).

Totally, totally, totally recommend for all of you. It's one of the purchases I've made computer-related that has pleased me the most. No power cord needed - it runs off the USB so it's perfrect for travel with laptops. I got mine on


Hello all,

I'm an infrequent poster but I follow the board closely. Two days ago someone broke into my home and stole my laptop, iPod and iPod shuffle.

My entire collection of Disney park audio files (almost 10 years worth of collecting online) was lost. Everything was saved on my laptop harddrive. I always thought to myself, "I should back everything up," but never got around to doing so. At this point I do not even think I have it in me to start over.

This message is just a reminder to you all. Please, please, please back up your music collections.


I've had my hard drive crash before, but thankfully I used some programs from the internet that allowed me to use a sort of "fake Windows" to burn everything to CDR and then format the hard drive. This is the program that I used:

Now much of everything is backed up on DVDs, and an external drive.

Also having a smaller partition on your main drive can be a great way to hold the OS and data separate. I've only truly lost one hard drive, but the rest of the time, you usually can get the data off the drive one way or another.

Dr. Know

I have a large external hd for backing up my laptop, but I don't do it often enough. This thread has been a good reminder. Guess what I'll be doing today?

So sorry, Lee.


New Member
I have a large external hd for backing up my laptop, but I don't do it often enough. This thread has been a good reminder. Guess what I'll be doing today?

Does it involve cupcakes?
