What I had been told before the set was released, was that the track as released on the CD sets was not the entire track, but was an accurate portion of the attraction. What's missing is supposedly the "launch" and "reentry" portions of the attraction. When I finally rode it, that did not seem to be the case. I had a difficult time hearing the music at all over the rest of the noise in the attraction, and even knowing the CD track by heart, it was difficult to follow it. There was additional launch music/sfx... that then went into the track from the CD, but the CD piece ended before the reentry tunnel, and again because I had a hard time hearing, I couldn't tell if it was just silent or if there were sound effects going on. Ultimately there is also music at the reentry tunnel, but I have to say that the track on the CD is a much better presentation than the actual attraction. As with much of the new offerings for the 50th (parade, fireworks) it really seems like they had great orchestrations to work with and they just kinda got sloppy with the presentation. Wierd because they've specifically said how finely tuned the Space Mountain Show is supposed to be- they're very proud of it apparently, and yet I couldn't help but feel it was a little disjointed. Perhaps it's merely preopening glitches.