Anyone know Swedish, Italian, Japanese or Spanish?


On my new site, I put together a It's a Small World list of audio. I thought it would be cool to have the lyrics to the four foreign languages from the ride. You can see the page here:

I have some lyrics I've found online, but no idea if those are correct or if they are just translations from English. I have samples on the page of each version for easy reference. Also looking for transcriptions of the load / unload / entrance spiels and maybe the French version of the song.

I'll put a thanks on the page and a link to your site if you have one.



New Member
Wow, what a coincidence. A couple months ago I was bored so I typed it up. This should help:

世界中 どこだって
sekai-ju doko da-te (throughout the world, where ever you are)

笑いあり 涙あり
warai-ari namida-ari (there is laughter, there are tears)

みんな それぞれ 助け合う
minna sorezore tasuke a-u (everyone helps each other)

chisanna sekai (it's a small world)

  世界はせまい 世界は同じ
sekai wa semai sekai wa onaji (the world is small, the world is similar)

  世界はまるい ただひとつ
sekai wa marui tada hitotsu (the world is round, there is only one)

世界中 だれだって
sekai-ju dare da-te (throughout the world, whoever you are)

ほほえめば なかよしさ
hohoemeba nakayoshi-sa (as long as you smile, we are close friends)

みんな 輪になり 手をつなごう
minna waninari te o tsunago (everyone hold your hands in a circle)

chisanna sekai (it's a small world)

  世界はせまい 世界は同じ
sekai wa semai sekai wa onnaji (the world is small, the world is similar)

  世界はまるい ただひとつ
sekai wa marui tada hitotsu (the world is round, there is only one)

I'm not quite sure where you got the japanese one on your site. I based this off the TDL official album so it should be all right.


Ah very cool, thanks! The Japanese characters are kanji, and the alphabet characters are hiragana right?

edit: the alphabet is romaji


New Member
Here's the translation from Italian:

Mari e monti non ci dividono,
Neither seas nor nountains can keep us separated

Luna e sole sempre risplendono,
The moon and the sun are always shining

Se un sorriso farai in risposta tu avrai,
If you smile you'll get a smiling reply

Amicizia e simpatia.
Friendship and sympathy.

E' un mondo piccolo,
It's a small world,

Dopo tutto ? piccolo,
It's small after all,

E un mondo favoloso,
It's a fabulous world,

Ma ? piccolo.
But it's small.


Thanks! I guess the one that was already there was very close, but I didn't have a good translation until now.


Here's the Spanish version for you.

En el mundo hay risas y dolor

In the world there is laughter and pain

Esperanzas hay y tambien temor

There is hope and there is also fear

Mucho hay en verdad, que poder compartir

There is much, in truth, that can be shared

Entre la humanidad

Among humanity

Muy peque?o el mundo es

The world is very small

Muy peque?o el mundo es

The world is very small

Debe haber mas hermandad

There should be more brotherhood

Muy peque?o es

It is very small

Una luna hay solo hay un sol

There is just one moon, there is just one sun

Para todos brillan sin distincion

They shine for all without distinction

Y aunque muy grandes son, las monta?as y el mar

And although the mountains and sea are very large

Muy peque?o el mundo es

The world is very small

Muy peque?o el mundo es

The world is very small

Muy peque?o el mundo es

The world is very small

Debe haber mas hermandad

There should be more brotherhood

Muy peque?o es

It is very small


Thanks again, another one that was very close, but of course no translation until now.
