AMAZING CD! Has anyone ever heard of it? "Remember the Magic"


Hey guys!

I was searching for various recordings of Remember the Magic and I came across this CD. Has anyone ever heard of it? It's called, "Remember the Magic! Music from Disney World's 25th Anniversary." The track listing is awesome! It includes recordings I?ve never even heard of. I can't believe I've never seen or heard of this before. The actual picture of the case looks a little computer generated, but it could be a source image. I just can?t imagine that it was a real Disney release. How could we miss that one!!?? Check our the link and PLEASE let me know if you have any info on this CD. Thanks soooooo much!!!!!

Have a great day,

PS: Does the creator of the post here at Magic Music? His name is John. Just wondering. The site sounds promising. All the power to you, John! : )


Active Member
Re:AMAZING CD! Has anyone ever heard of it?

I've never seen that one and it would have been printed during a time when I was making sure to get EVERYTHING available. Are you sure it's not a bootleg? What's the Label and item #?



Re:AMAZING CD! Has anyone ever heard of it?

Hey, Sharon!

I don't know the label or the item #. I'm still checking e-bay and I sent an e-mail to the guy who created the site with the CD. Hopefully something will come from this. I'm practically positive it is a bootleg, but I'll still do anything to get a copy!


X-S Tech

Active Member
Re:AMAZING CD! Has anyone ever heard of it?

Yeah, bootleg. I like the "extremely rare" in the corner. Should say- "you buy 'em, we burn em."


Re:AMAZING CD! Has anyone ever heard of it?

Yeah, I bet you?re exactly right. I hadn?t thought about the ?extremely rare? thing. I should have caught that. Either way, I?ve been searching from some of these songs for YEARS!!! I want that CD more than probably anyone else in the world! I never knew there was a recording of Ears To You! Gosh, I?ve been looking for that one forever! Does anyone have (or know where to get) the following tracks from the CD...

5. Ears to You!

6. It?s Time to Remember the Magic- Debbie Grayson
(used on Disney World?s 25th Anniversary television commercial)

7. Remember the Magic, A Disney Legacy- The Voices of Liberty

8. Remember the Magic- Wayne Allwine and the Disney Chorus
(Magic Kingdom opening announcement and entrance music)

10. Remember the Magic- Instrumental

Thanks soooooo much!


Active Member
Re:AMAZING CD! Has anyone ever heard of it?

Yeah, I would be interested in getting ahold of the tracks on that CD too. A lot of that I"ve never seen before. The CD definitely looks like a bootleg to me though.


Hey! Check the soundtrack site again. There's a sample from the RTM park opener. Low quality Real file, but it give us hope-- the CD's out there somewhere!

Have a good one,

PS: (After checking the site) Who is Pete? He has the CD! Does he post here? Pete, if you?re out there, PLEASE SHARE THE MUSIC WITH US! Thanks!!!
Please listen to the sample clip on this site and you'll realize it's someone's home attempt at re-creating parade music. (It's bad.) I'd get no closer than the proverbial 10 foot pole would allow.
Please listen to the sample clip on this site and you'll realize it's someone's home attempt at re-creating parade music. (It's bad.) I'd get no closer than the proverbial 10 foot pole would allow.

Its funny you say that, for practically half of the Haunted Mansion Score CD's out there are copies, not the real thing... I have come across many sellers who have been retaining their copy but only selling a CD-R of theirs. Its pretty pathetic..
I agree; however, I meant the clip sounds like someone used a poor MIDI generator to actually make part of the track. If you get a chance, take a listen. I actually cringed.

[I went back to listen again -- wanted to make sure I'd listened to the right thing! -- and the real audio file is no longer found via the link. . .]


Interesting that it was deleted RIGHT after the comment was made about the bootleg. Could it be that the culprit posts among us? Ohhh, BUSTED! : )

I looked back at our 1997 WDW vacation tape and found the RTM Magic Kingdom welcome show. Sure sounds the same as the real clip, cheesy synth and all. Sadly dad didn?t get the whole thing on tape. I would love to find a good quality recording of that show. The vocals are really tight and the ending chord sustains much longer than the parade version. It?s really quite good. Does anyone else have that recording? A live version would be fine-- I just want to hear the entire thing. As you all know, I LOVE REMEMBER THE MAGIC!!! Thanks for your help.

Have a great day!
