A New Broughton Watch


Playlist Author
My guess is Part 5, unless WDWGuy08 gets a cease and desist order against the blog for discussing anything Broughton related, on the theory that he has the market covered already. Maybe we can do a celebrity death match type activity to see who gets full rights to discuss the works of Broughton.

Magic Music

Playlist Author
Bill said:
They don't make them for boys...
Wrong, bucko! Mr. Broughton has stated emphatically and authoritatively that there will be a complete line of Bruce Broughton FunPals?, FunGals?, and Underoos? for boys and girls. Get your facts straight before messing with the minds of devoted Broughton fans everywhere!

Bill said:
...only girls
Well, then you should keep this set, Sister Suffragette!

BTW, what is Mr. Broughton doing at 6:30 am/pm on his new watch? :eek:

X-S Tech

Active Member
Bill said:
Close...but no cigar.? I need the REAL thing.? It's like crack.? You can't just say "I'm offended"...you need all the righteous indignation that goes with it...impuning my character...defending the pointless...I need it all or it's no good.? I hope you understand.
I know. I'm vainly trying to fill the void.
My guess is Part 5, unless WDWGuy08 gets a cease and desist order against the blog for discussing anything Broughton related, on the theory that he has the market covered already.? Maybe we can do a celebrity death match type activity to see who gets full rights to discuss the works of Broughton.
Close...but no cigar.? I need the REAL thing.? It's like crack.? You can't just say "I'm offended"...you need all the righteous indignation that goes with it...impuning my character...defending the pointless...I need it all or it's no good.? I hope you understand.
Well, then you should keep this set, Sister Suffragette!
Ya'll make this site well worth the admission .... You cats are frackin' funny ... thanks for the humor and the insight to various Disney songs/sounds/loops/sound tracks etc....

:eek: ?-Chuck
Wait a minute - this site is free?

Wow. Well, I guess some consider the emotional pain priceless.
