
New Member
What happened here!? :mad: The NATION ON WHEELS_PEOPLEMOVER startes off saying "And now lets take a ride on the PPLMOVER but then it starts playing the Monorail Song!!!! There is NO PPLMOVER ridetrough or music! Can SOMEONE please explain this? Randy?
Hiya Disneyboy,

That track is "Nation on Wheels" it's not the "Monorail Song". Though they are similar, they are not the same composition. In the book, Stacia goes into a little info on the style of music that became known as monorail music. Quite a few cues appeared after Buddy?s ?Monorail Song? that an entire genre of music got the lable.

The PeopleMover used ?Nation On Wheels as a music bed. Though over the years, many themes were used including some tracks that could be described as Ultra-Lounge.

When I was building this set, I too got these two titles confused ? as they seem rather similar. As a matter of fact, the two pieces were edited together as one on a few of the DL/WDW Forever tracks ? which could also be why you think ?Nation On Wheels? is ?The Monorail Song?or, at least, part of the same composition. Seeing that I included both, take a listen again and you will see the difference. That?s part of the reason I included both.

An interesting note is that ?The Monorail Song? was composed by Buddy Baker and ?Nation On Wheels? was composed by George Bruns ? Buddy?s former student.

I didn?t include any of the People Mover dialog, as it wasn?t consistent with my vision of a listening experience, and is actually rather boring without being on the ride itself. Therefore, like several other attractions (the monorail as well), I only used the music so your imagination can fill in the rest.

Hope that answers your question,

Randy Thornton


New Member
Randy, was music such as Go Go Goodyear even in the evaluation process for which peoplemover song to go with, that was part of the peoplemover correct?
Can you maybe gives some history on the Go Go Goodyear?
Hiya Titanfreak46!

I did consider ?Go Go Goodyear? as it indeed was played on the PeopleMover. However, I decided against it because I wanted to veer away from songs that would appear as product endorsements ? for legal reasons. Though I left several in (within the shows themselves ? Carousel of Progress, Adventure Thru Inner Space, and The Golden Horseshoe Revue) but they?re not as blatant as something like ?Go Go Goodyear?. I do have a little history about the song that I gathered during my research. But, honestly, it?s a little fuzzy in my memory at the moment and I should look over my notes before I post.

Randy Thornton
I've been meaning to resurrect this thread for a while.....just wanted to thank Randy for including it in the 6-CD set.

When I heard "Nation on Wheels--The Peoplemover," I instantly recognized it as the music that's played during the beginning of the "Disneyland After Dark" television show, which I've watched/listened to many times, as I transferred the audio of the Louis Armstrong segment onto a CD(playing right after the "Deep in the Heart of Dixieland" LP). Interestingly, in the show, the Peoplemover music is played as the Monorail is travelling to the park; I've always liked the tune(I guessed Buddy Baker--I was close!), and thought that it was just composed for the television program--now I know it's real source--thanks again!


X-S Tech

Active Member
Nation on Wheels played on the Peoplemover until about 1974 when the more familiar music came in; this newer "media music", 6 selections from the Capital Records library, played until the Peoplemovers demise in 1997.

David S.

I've been meaning to resurrect this thread for a while.....just wanted to thank Randy for including it in the 6-CD set.

When I heard "Nation on Wheels--The Peoplemover," I instantly recognized it as the music that's played during the beginning of the "Disneyland After Dark" television show, which I've watched/listened to many times,

Yes, I absolutely LOVE this track. Like you, I knew it from the "Disneyland After Dark" program.

I also LOVE "Monorail Song", which is one of the dominant themes used in the "Gala Day At Disneyland" featurette (which used to play on Vault Disney all the time until Walt got kicked off his own channel, but I digress ;)

Even though these tracks may be known by many people more from the specials about Disneyland than from the park itself, I am ecstatic that they were included on the set - two of my favorite tracks from the Tomorrowland section.

Both are great tunes to drive to - both at day or night - with the motion of the car and your surroundings somehow reflecting the kinetic movement and optimism suggested by the music itself.

X-S, thanks for the background history of the track.

David--isn't that funny, you remember it from Disneyland After Dark, too--it IS a very catchy tune.......but don't get me started on Vault Disney......


X-S Tech

Active Member
The thank you should go to DC-88 Spaceliner from whom all Peoplemover knowledge is gleaned. I like to rush in and tell what little I remember from him before he gets the chance once in a while ;D
Thanks again, X-S--interesting how we all have our own specialized niches of knowledge that we can share--that's what makes this forum work so well--thanks!



New Member
Note that there's an awesome version of the Monorail Song on the Space Mountain Councourse tracks. It's a rerecording that's fully orchestrated, really lush. It's one of my all-time faves. I believe it was on the WDI RedDotNet Imagineering CD.


New Member
Nation on Wheels played on the Peoplemover until about 1974 when the more familiar music came in; this newer "media music", 6 selections from the Capital Records library, played until the Peoplemovers demise in 1997.

So are there good stereo versions of these tracks available on cd anywhere?


Nation on Wheels played on the Peoplemover until about 1974 when the more familiar music came in; this newer "media music", 6 selections from the Capital Records library, played until the Peoplemovers demise in 1997.

(Why anyone in their right mind would ask this I dont know, but here goes...... )

Hey XS, Any Idea where one can find these 6 Capital records selections on disc or something....were they ever officially released?


X-S Tech

Active Member
No they have never been officially released. Too bad too, cause they are probably more recognizable to most people than they realize. Something about the tranquil speed of the Peoplemover, interrupted once in a while by the *bump*bump* of the drive motors- it just- well it just lets that music seep into your brain. So deep that you don't realize it's there till your on a freeway overpass watching the sun set behind a gleaming city of the future and you realize that you're humming it.


New Member
No they have never been officially released.

ok. now for the obvious follow-up question! are there any un-official releases we might want to look for?!

pm me if it shouldn't be posted here! :)
