2005 WDW 2 CD Official Album?

X-S Tech

Active Member
That title is probably a bit inaccurate. But since Randy mentioned that next year WDW will probably get 2 official CD's that was the most efficient way to describe it. What I'm trying to figure out is how it will be divided. Will it simply be a matter of Disc 1) Magic Kingdom, and Disc 2) Everything else? or perhaps 2 parks per disc? Does anyone know or can Randy himself tell us? Would anyone like to start a wish list of how each park should be represented?

I didn't go back in these archives to check, but I don't think it was ever going to be a 2 disc set. What Randy said, at least the way I read it, was that this OA (the '04 one with Mission Space) would be the "last one-disc OA." I took that to mean that there would be a disc for each park. This would give you more disc time to amply cover and represent each park.

This is just my take on it. They could put out a two-disc set for each park too, and I would love and cherish them as well, but that seems unlikely.


X-S Tech

Active Member
Thanks a lot Jeff, so now not only am I happy about WDW finally getting more than one disc but I'll be disapointed if there's only two discs. For a while I was actually content. Thanks.
When I left WDW mech planning a few years back we removed the disney forever booths but had a lot of guest feedback and what we learned was that guests (as u all know) want more specific show audio, so I know they know the need to release more of thier audio collection, just how much they release will be the thing, I geuss we will just have to wait and see. One of the problems they keep running into is that Walt Disney World, although they are the same company as Walt Disney pictures or Walt Disney Feature Animation, still has to BUY the rights to the songs from the movies, shows ect. So there is an investmet there, that is why there are usually pretty generic stuff on the Official album CDs. When I left they were looking to invest in this category.. So we can only keep our fingures crossed.
