1990's MMC on video


New Member

I have been searching the internet for complete Mickey Mouse Club seasons on videotape. So far, I've had very limited success. Can any of you be of any assistance to me?

I'd be willing to trade for the tapes, so if you can help me, please respond to this message.

Also, if you've got a favorite memory of the show, or a favorite Mouseketeer, I'd like to hear about it!

"Through the years we'll all be friends wherever we may be."

X-S Tech

Active Member
I loved the show in it's early years. Didn't care for it so much when they officially changed the name to the MMC. I think they altered the format or something. I used to have 3 or 4 episodes on video but have long since taped over them. Sorry.
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Speaking of the 1990's Mickey Mouse Club, I am looking for someone who might have a clean recording of the opening from the first few seasons (pre MMC-style). I have it a few times, but tey are obviously copies of copies of copies... and the quality leaves much to be desired.

The ending song would be ultra-awesome to score also. I have a friend whose Disney fascination began with this show, and would love to surprise him with these gems.


New Member
To Z?rpman:

Did you receive the personal message I sent you? If not, please give me a way to contact you personally since I can help with your request.
