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  1. X

    Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated...

    Hey! :o I wish I could have gotten to some of the meetings while I was out there, but it was crazy since I was working two full-time jobs! (both at Point Defiance Zoo - THAT was a commute and a half! - and at Half Price Books... where I sorely miss having cheap books easily available :o)
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    Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated...

    LMAO! So I've heard! I've actually gotten an e-mail from WDW Guest Relations a few years back saying "thanks, we direct guests there quite often." :blink:
  3. X

    Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated...

    Hey all! Long time, no type! In short, life got crazy. And by crazy, I mean, off the wall insane. Last year I moved back to Orlando to go running back to the Mouse, and have been going non-stop ever since! (would you believe that, as soon as I started work last winter, I was scheduled no...
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    Disney Music Loops website

    Just an update here - still no resolution on the server issue, so I'm starting to look around for some other place to host it.
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    Disneyland: The First Fifty Years Lobby BGM

    Sorry about this one! Little update on the situation here: the site is currently stored on a server at a friend's house, and after many years of faithful service, said server is finally kicking the bucket. There's some work being done now to move stuff over to a new one (shared server *sniff)...
  6. X

    Disneyland NEW Soundtrack

    I was thinking that, too. I just saw that souvenir book yesterday being sold at the warehouse outlet here in Seattle. :p
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    Holiday Esplanade Loop

    Oooh, thanks for the information, everyone! Do you mind if I add this to my site? (I'm slowly catching up on updating!)
  8. X

    RIP Basil Poledouris

    That is such a shame. :( His "Free Willy" score has always been one of my favorites - when I was young I used to put that CD in, put my headphones on and just listen to it for hours. It inspired my imagination so much...
  9. X

    SeaWorld 'Believe' Soundtrack

    I think the Believe one ran around $16-17-ish - my friend who got a copy for me said it ran her like $15.50 with her passholder discount. That's actually considerably more than most SeaWorld CDs have run. CDs like Cirque de la Mer have been $10.
  10. X

    Holiday Esplanade Loop

    I remember hearing that esplanade loop last year, too, but unfortunately was never able to get ahold of a full list. :( I do remember hearing a few non-Christmas songs in there, though - I remember laughing at how out of place they were. I'm pretty sure one of them was from Parade of Dreams...
  11. X

    SeaWorld 'Believe' Soundtrack

    I second Dr. Know's recommendation! Absolutely fantastic CD. I've been listening to this one constantly! From what I hear from a friend, "Black and White" is the basis for the new pre-show, replacing the old (and, IMHO, highly-irritating) penguin bit. I love that song - it's about the only...
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    I believe it's similar to the nature CDs you see at kiosks in department stores - animal sounds mixed with musical recordings. I could be wrong about that, though - that's one I haven't listened to yet.
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    Rainbow Monorail

    "Journey Thru Inner Lincoln"... was that the inspiration for Body Wars? ;D
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    Disney Music Convention November 2006

    To everyone going: HAVE FUN! :D I really wish I could be there with ya. *curses work and not being able to get time off from a new job* Bring us the full report later! :)
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    Balaf?n Marimba Ensemble

    1. Not sure on that one. 2. I definitely have not heard it at Disneyland, at least in recent years! 3. As of the last time I was at DAK in May 2003, I do remember hearing some tracks from Balafon Marimba Ensemble. Not sure if anything's changed since then, though.
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    I just called and left a message, yup! :)
  17. X


    Just been talking to a friend who was at SeaWorld San Diego last week, and she said she spotted the Believe CD in the gift shops! So it sounds like it's at least out in San Diego, not sure about the other parks yet!
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    Asking for BGM at Guest Services

    I know they definitely have that one... I asked about another loop once, and they pulled out a big binder and looked at the lists, but they only had Sunshine Plaza and I think one other loop list.
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    Asking for BGM at Guest Services

    I've tried several times to go in and ask about various loops, but the lists they have are VERY limited, sadly. :( Most of the time I get a "sorry, we don't have that information" for an answer. :(
  20. X

    Registration Form for Disney Music Convention

    I actually just moved back to the Seattle area today, and I'm definitely interested in going! Just gotta check on finances before I make a final decision. :)
