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  1. S

    Lyric and narration book for 6cd set?!

    Ok fanboys and fangirls! Here is your mission should you choose to accept it, and make so many of us very happy! Wouldn't it be great if someone compiled all the lyrics and narration text from start to finish for the 6 cd set?! I'm sure some of you have a lot of this already, but if it...
  2. S

    Selling 6 CD W/ LTD Gold Lp #4121

    they are certainly not as in demand as I thought they would be. I sold one of mine (gold lp version, unopened) on ebay, since I needed the money, and had to list it twice to sell it at cost! I kept the other one for myself, but will probably sell the unopened gold lp, as I'm not a collector...
  3. S

    Sept. release of 6 cd set info?

    From what I understood, in September there would be a release that didn't include the record. Does anyone have any info on this? Will it be less expensive? Will it include the book? Thanks!
  4. S

    6-CD PPLMOVER Track

    ok. now for the obvious follow-up question! are there any un-official releases we might want to look for?! pm me if it shouldn't be posted here! :)
  5. S

    6-CD PPLMOVER Track

    So are there good stereo versions of these tracks available on cd anywhere?
  6. S

    The many and varied sounds of Spaceship Earth

    Is this available anywhere? or at least a complete ride through of the current version?
  7. S

    50th box set quality? any indications?

    I guess I was just hoping for some reassurance after getting burned by the HM cd. I payed $30 for it and assumed that it was the ultimate only later to find out it wasn't. With this 6 cd set, I'm a little hesitant to drop any big $$. But I'm optimistic; I just thought there would be people in...
  8. S

    50th box set quality? any indications?

    I agree! I hope that there was some professional embarassment over this and maybe they would give Randy all the access he wants! I guess no one has any info on it here. Sorry if this thread upset any of you (I thought forums were for "silly speculation"!). Many of you that have responded...
  9. S

    50th box set quality? any indications?

    You would think and hope that the sound quality of this box set will be the gold standard. But does anyone know if Randy got all the access he wanted? The reason I'm worried is I expected the best from the Haunted Mansion anniversary cd and then I heard the Grinning Ghost versions....what a...
  10. S

    WDW Space Mountain exit music--FedEx

    yup, it is Music Makers! wow, I thought I would be searching forever! thanks so much!
  11. S

    WDW Space Mountain exit music--FedEx

    We got back from Florida and I can't get that catchy bass line out of my head that plays during the exit by the fedex display on space mountain! Does anyone know where I can get this? Has it been released on cd or is there an mp3 I can find somewhere? thanks!
  12. S

    the cds?

    Aaarrghhh, why do you say such things that torture me so!?! must have....must have....
  13. S

    the cds?

    what about the whole "club" system I'm seeing around now? For example, and others.. what they do is have dvds (which often include audio tracks of attractions) but they don't technically "sell" them. You join the club, and depending on the level of your membership...
  14. S

    the cds?

    Has anyone read the most recnt article by Al on If anyone knows where to get those cds, could you let me know? I searched on google and didn't find anything. my e-mail is: thanks!
